"I can't hold myself any longer." Allison says and grabs her phone after putting the bowl cookies on my lap. She silences the television and lifts her shirt up. "I want to know who all these people are." She says pointing to the numbers written on her belly.
I simply nod, knowing I can't stop her from embarrassing herself.
"Hello? Who is this?.. Niall? I don't know a Niall.. Allison.. Yeah pretty wasted.. I kissed you?! Kidding right?.. Great.. Bye." She hangs up.
"So that was Niall, I just figured out I kissed that guy." She says while dialing the second number. This girl is insane.
On that moment a noise comes from under the pillow, Allison's eyes go wide as we both swallow. Harry wrote his number on her belly and forgot his phone here.
"Oh shit." Allison whispers and looks at me with asking eyes like she just made a false fire alarm in a hospital.
"What now?" She asks, her hands running through her blond hair.
"He will notice and come to get it."
She nods and dials the third and luckily last number written on her lower stomach.
"Uhm hello? This is Allison... Liam?.. Oh... Do you know me?.. Okay.. Thanks.. Yeah that's good.. Bye."
"That was Liam, a friend of Zayn's who picked up Zayn's phone because he's in the shower, he'll tell him I called and Liam says he doesn't know me."
"Did I already tell you you are insane?"
She rolls her grey eyes and starts giggling. She takes another cookie and brings it to her mouth.
"I don't even remember them writing on my belly." She says to herself but I clearly heard it.
"Allison Megan Stewart, you are unbelievable."
"Madison Grace Hudson, you are official the person with the most boring life on earth." She mocks me.
"Can't say you're lying." I sigh and force a smile.
"Oh Mad don't cry."
"I'm not crying,"
"Yes you are,"
"No I'm not."
"But you want to."
Do I?
Usually Allison knows better what I feel then I do myself.
"See." She says satisfied. She took my silence as a yes. "You can cry babe I'm here to hold you."
"Why am I even crying?" I ask, not really to get an answer.
"Because my lady you have a pretty shitty life. You can't go to a party of your overprotecting father and that's why you're still a virgin and never had a boyfriend in your eighteen years of life while your best friend sleeps with strangers. And then there's your mum.."
"Don't talk about her."
"I don't." She assures me.
"I get it okay I'm a little piece of shit and sadness."
"But babe you have me!" She smiles
"You?" I frown.
"Yes me." She rolls her eyes again. "I am going to help you with that."
I sigh "oh no,"

FanfictionMadison Grace Hudson and her dad live in LA. Her dad is over concerned because her mother died a few years ago. She can't go to parties and the only thing in her life is studying beside writing. Her best friend, Allison, is the complete opposite. Al...