The blonde waitress brings us our drinks. She places the glass filled with water in front of me. Louis thanks her before ordering our food.
"What about you?" Louis asks me. "Do you have any sisters or brothers?" His tone isn't asking. It sounds like he already knows the answer and just asks me out of routine and politeness.
"No." I answer him. "I don't."
"You miss that?" He asks, curiosity hearable in his sweet voice.
"I don't know." I say.
"Maybe cause you never had one. Once you know how it feels you never want to go back anymore, you couldn't miss it." He says. I never had this kind of conversations with Louis. He's so kind like always but now it seems like I'm not the only one who's complaining and he's not the only one who's asking questions about my life.
"You have to miss her?" I asks but I regret it instantly. His blue eyes seem to water like I just put a knife into his heart. Like I stabbed him. He looks away, his fingers playing with the menu on the table. I put my hand on his and he relaxes under my touch. His free hand goes through his brown hair before speaking. "Yea I-I miss her."
"How old is she?"
"She's turning six in December."
"Oh." I blurt. "I thought she'd be older." He doesn't answer me. "She's the girl on the picture isn't it?" I ask him when he keeps silent.
"Yea," he shortly answers. "But I don't want to talk about it."
He misses her, I can see the hurt in his eyes. I feel so sorry for him but I think he doesn't want to hear that. I'll just leave it like he asks so I won't hurt him even more than I already did.
I nod and take my hand away from his but he stops my actions by grabbing my wrist. "No, please." He asks, his blue eyes pleading. I slowly put my hand back down and Louis' larger one covers it. His forefinger is turning slow circles on the back. My eyes pear into his, asking if everything is alright, a small smile and a nod assure me it is okay and that I don't have to worry.
The blonde waitress places the food in front of us. The huge plate makes me think I won't be finished in the next two years. Or maybe three. We start eating and after some time it still seems like I haven't eaten a thing yet.
"Let's get out of here." Louis says. He leaves some money on the table and grabs my hand. We walk outside and I have just one small look at the blonde who's annoyance is clear when she's cleaning our table.
The warm evening air strikes the skin of my bare arms. The thought of being only three days away from college excites me but it frightens me at the same time. I regret my lac of preparation the last two weeks of summer vacation.
The sky is turning pink and it gets darker outside. I don't have to worry about my dad cause he thinks I'm staying at Alison's. And again I've been lying to him. Actually I'm more lying to him than speaking the truth. Louis puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me against his torso. The strength of his muscles I feel against me is much harder than Liam's. The good smell of his sweater fills my senses and I catch myself on wishing I could stay here against his chest for a while longer. The houses are far behind us and we're walking between grass and trees. The place seeming so familiar. I follow Louis off the road sit down next to him on a bench. His muscled arm still around my shoulders.
"You love being here isn't it?" He asks me. The memories I made here are flooding back into my mind and I can almost see the warm sun burning on my mother's pale skin while sitting here, reading one of her many books.
"Yea." I whisper. He pulls me closer so my head is resting on his chest now. Small goosebumps on my arms don't stay unnoticed my Louis.
"You're cold." Louis states. He softly pushes me back so he has just enough space to put off his sweater. "Here." He puts the blue material in my hands but he takes it from them a minute after. He puts the sweater over my head and the his sent is all over me. The warmth of the fabric warms my body as Louis pulls me back to his chest.
"It's already getting dark." He whispers in my hair. Three soft kisses were placed in my brown curls.
"Uhu." I groan, my eyes closed, fully enjoying the close moment with Louis. I feel so comfortable against his chest, being right here with him, so intimate. I feel... Home. And it's been a long time I actually felt being home. The way to big sweater is doing a good job at warming my body. I feel Louis slowly striking my back when I slowly drift to sleep against his strong chest.
I open my eyes, they need to acclimatize to the light for some seconds before I can actually see where I am. I slowly lift my head that's laid on a pair of jeans. It takes a while before I realize I'm on the backseat of Louis' car, my head resting on his lap. Louis is sitting next to me, his head resting against the window. His left arm laying around my body, covering my side. I gently place his arm off of me and lift my head from his lap. I take in all of his beauty. The light brown of his hair, the tanned skin of his cheeks and the pink of his lips. The laces of his closed eyes and the strained muscles of his naked arms and the rising of his chest under his shirt. I could stare at this for ages.
I watch him slowly waking up and than all at once. Opening his eyes. His blue orbs look right into mine as he speaks.
"Hello beautiful." He smiles down at me. "Good morning." I whisper. He wipes his eyes and checks the time on his phone. "Well you can say good afternoon." Is it that late already?
"Where are we?" I ask myself but Louis answers me. "Under the tree, next to the bench we sat on.
"I carried you to the car and then drove us here. Good thing I did that, the people on the street would be staring if they saw us."
"You carried me the whole way back to the restaurant?" I ask.
"Yea, don't underrate me." He says, fake hurt. The smile on his face is just adorable.
"Why didn't you wake me? I could've walked." I ask Louis.
"You were fast asleep, I couldn't wake you. You were so cute, you're eyes closed and softly puffing against my chest."
"I don't puff in my sleep!"
"Yes you do."
"Absolutely not."
"Oh sure you do."
He smiles, wrapping his arms around me before placing a soft, almost not able to be felt kiss on my hair.
"You were staring at me?" I ask.
"I definitely was." He beams and receives a swat against his shoulder. "You sneaky bastard." I scold. He laughs, and damn I love that sound. I probably shouldn't feel this way and I shouldn't love this moment and his laugh but I can't help.
"Couldn't keep my eyes off you." He whispers, our eyes meeting. I gulp, letting his words sink. I shouldn't be feeling this way. His words shouldn't be affecting me like this. We probably shouldn't be doing this but I can't help.
Our fingers seems to automatically entwine and my body seems to automatically find it's way to Louis'.
We're so close now I can feel his chest rising and falling against mine. His eyes stare into mine. His white teeth biting his pink underlip, his forehead resting against mine before softly pressing his full lips on mine. They gently brush my lips and kiss the corner of my mouth. We probably shouldn't be doing this. But I can't help. I can't help.
My chest is moving up and down rapidly and so is Louis'. I can feel it cause Louis softly presses my breasts against his torso, gently rubbing my back.

FanfictionMadison Grace Hudson and her dad live in LA. Her dad is over concerned because her mother died a few years ago. She can't go to parties and the only thing in her life is studying beside writing. Her best friend, Allison, is the complete opposite. Al...