I open my eyes and glance at the clock, 10.36 already? Allison is still sleeping, her golden hair laying perfectly on her shoulders like she's posing for a picture. How can she be this beautiful and me so.. Me?
Is it me it or did the bell ring?
I put my hair into a messy bun and jog down the stairs. The bell rings again louder this time. "Yea coming!" I mumble.
When I open the door I have to wipe my eyes and look a second time.
"And you are?"
"I'm Harry." The boy says and his left hand strikes the skin of his neck.
"But you aren't Allison." He states what get's me out of my trance.
"No uhm I'm Madison."
"Well hey."
"Yea hey."
We stand there like two minutes.
"So uhm can I help you?" I ask bringing him back to earth. He seems pretty out off guard.
"I came to get my phone, I forgot it here last night." He says and his hand goes back to his neck.
"Yea uhm come in I'll get it for you."
I pull the door open to let him in.
"Just a second."
He nods and I rush up the stairs. I grab the phone and jog down the stairs to hand it to the curly but damn hot guy.
"Thank you." He smiles but that smile obviously was a fake one cause he's gone the next second.
"So uhm .. Do you want to give this to Allison?" He asks me showing me a white folded paper.
"Sure." I smile and take it from him.
I open the door for him and let him out, on the street, a black car is waiting for Harry. The guy behind the steering wheel looks pretty annoyed that he had to drive Harry.
"I'm sorry, Louis is waiting. See you later Miranda!"
"Actually it's Madison but yea see you Harry!"
The other handsome guy behind the wheel waves shortly and I give him a wave and one of my widest smiles back. Moments later the car is gone.
I saunter up the stairs, the letter in my hands. He wrote her a letter that's so cute!
When I open the door a pair of grey eyes stare back at me. "Where were you?" She asks.
"I just gave Harry his phone back."
"He was here!?"
"Yes and he left something for you."
I love the frown playing on her eyebrows, just what I was aiming for.
I hand her the white paper and sit down next to her on the bed as she starts reading.
Dear Allison,
I'm so sorry about what happened last night, we were both pretty wasted. I want to apology for what we may have done that night.
Allison poses and gulps, looking at me with wide eyes.
"Go on." I encourage her.
You are a wonderful and so beautiful girl, I was pretty out off guard when I woke up next to a girl like you. I'm so sorry I left after barely talking to you. I just want to ask if you may want to go on a date with me, a real one.
"What?" She smiles and I hug her tight, Allison has plenty of guys who want her but if I'm honest, none of them is as hot as Harry.
"Oh my freaking god!"
"Read more!" I yell in excitement.
So maybe you could think about it.
Here's my number: 0836292
Harry x
"Aaagh!" She yells and claps her hands, a wide smile playing on her lips.
*Louis' POV*
"You did what?!" He has to be kidding me. We never date girls, like ever and now he asks the first girl he sees on a fucking party to go on a date with him.
"Yea she's cute Lou, I really like her."
"You're kidding right?" I laugh in disbelieve.
"No I'm not, actually I'm sick of these games Louis, you should find a girl you really like and date her, like me."
"Like you?" I laugh. I don't date. I never did and I never will.
"Yea like me." Harry says and runs his long fingers through his curls.
"What does she look like?" If he 'likes' this girl so much she has to be damn hot.
"Blond hair, grey eyes, perfect body..." He rambles, his eyes staring at nothing.
"Not my type." I say shortly while parking the car in the lot in front of our apartment.
"Nobody is your type." He sighs. But he's true. I've never met a girl I really liked.
"Lou I think it's time to stop our games, you should find someone to love you. You're 20 dude."
"Yeah and you're 19 what's the deal?" I really don't see his point.
"You're getting old man, you should find a girl and keep her for once."
"No." I state. "I don't want a relationship or shit."
"So you're going to play girls until you're ninety and then die alone?
"Yup." I say, dropping the p.
"You are so childish."
"And you sound like my dad." I fire back to my only friend.
"Maybe you should listen to your dad, you fool." He says and gets out of the car.
What's wrong with him? Did he suddenly get an adult or something?
He plays girls just as much as I do and suddenly because he met that girl he gets 'responsible'? Please.

أدب الهواةMadison Grace Hudson and her dad live in LA. Her dad is over concerned because her mother died a few years ago. She can't go to parties and the only thing in her life is studying beside writing. Her best friend, Allison, is the complete opposite. Al...