"Are you ready?" Liam asks me as I open the front door for him, a bright smile playing on his lips. He's wearing jeans and a white shirt with short sleeves so his muscled arms are visible.
"Yup." I smile and swing my bag over my shoulder. "Ready."
He smiles again and leads me to a car that's parked in front if my house.
I get in and say hi to Zayn who's sitting behind the wheel. Liam sits down next to me and next to Zayn is a blond guy sitting, staring at the screen of his iPhone. I didn't know someone else was coming with us.
"This is Niall." Liam says and I immediately recognize the name.
"Hi." The blond one named Niall says. "Nice to meet you."
I guess I better keep quiet I'm the best friend of the girl he kissed on a party.
He smiles and shows me a row of silver braces, how cute.
We get closer to the lake as I catch Liam's gaze going up and down my body, he must think I'm fat.
"I know I don't have the body like Alison does." I say with a smile. A fake one but who cares.
"What are you talking about? You have the perfect body." Liam says and Zayn nods in agreement. Niall turns around and his blue eyes stare into mine.
"Alison? As in Alison Steward?" He asks. Damn, there goes my plan of keeping quiet.
"Yes, she's my friend." I say but I don't get any response.
"So she's dating Harry Styles now? I heard he changed." Niall says.
"Yea she is." I answer and look at my feet. Are we almost there?
"Good thing Harry changed, it was about time. I hope Louis sees that too."
The blond guy goes on.
"We all now Louis isn't going to change." Zayn says now and the other two guys nod and Niall adds a sigh.
They definitely know him.
"I saw him with you on the party yesterday." Zayn says. "You should watch out for him girl, we know him a bit longer than you do and we know what he does to girls."
"How do you guys know him?" I ask but I don't get an answer, from none of them. "An answer would be nice." I say a bit annoyed.
"That doesn't matter." Niall says after an awkward silence. "The point is we are trying to protect you from a lot of trouble."
Now it's my turn not to respond. I look out of the window and feel Liam's eyes burning on my skin but I refuse to look back at him.
"We're here." Zayn speaks breaking the silence and we all get out the car.
Now I can see Liam is a lot taller than Niall. "Let's go." Liam says and I follow him to the small beach.
They put their towel on the sand and remove their clothes so they're only wearing their swimming shorts, I do the same and place myself on my towel.
I'm surprised that Zayn and Liam both have a six pack, they actually ate damn hot. Alison's words creep into my mind. 'How can you only like a guy that's hot and just perfect for you.' She said. I just don't see myself together with Liam. But when I'm honest I don't see myself with anyone. I think Liam and I are good to be friends, but nothing more than that and Liam must be thinking the exact same thing.
"So tell something about yourself." Zayn says, the three of them looking in my eyes now.
"Uhm so I'm Maddy, I have no brothers or sisters. I live here with my dad and I'm going to uni in two weeks with my best friend Alison. I love reading.. And that's all I guess."
"Nice so uhm I'm Niall, I have one brother and I'm also going to uni in a week with those two." He says.
I give him a warm smile before placing my sunglasses on my head.
"So who wants a drink?" Liam asks and stands up.
"I'll come with you." I offer and stand up as well. We start walking towards the little shop a bit further and I feel all the girls on the beach staring at us. Well at Liam. They're right, he's damn hot. If I was a normal girl I would fall for him too. But I'm not.
I'm the type of girl that waits for the perfect guy to come around and when he's finally there I walk past him or I see him as just a friend. I don't want a perfect guy, perfect is boring.
"Four sodas please." Liam politely orders and pays for the drinks. I take two of them and we walk back to the others. Liam doesn't even notice all the girls are staring at him, or he's just too nice to make a comment about it and ignores the gazes.
I don't even know him for more than a week but I already feel like I've known him for years, I feel like we're very close and know everything about each other in contrast to the reality.
I hope he finds a girl who can make him happy and that all his dreams will come true.
"Are you okay?" He asks me. "You've been a bit quiet since our conversation about Louis." His brown eyes are worried and truly concerned about what I'm feeling. He makes me feel like somebody cares about me. I can't help but already care about him.
"Yea I'm fine, I was just thinking about some things." I answer and smile.
Actually nothing is fine, but nothing is wrong either. I feel nothing at the moment and I don't even know if I should be happy about that or not.
"If something's wrong I'm here for you." He says and I can see in the look on his face that he means what he's saying. I nod. Only nod. I don't know what to say, I can't bring anything out. I'm so thankful that someone like Liam came into my life so sudden.
"I just want you to know that you have a friend in me. Even though we don't know each other for that long." He says and wraps his arm around my shoulders to pull me against his side.
I smile against his warm shoulder as we reach the others.
"Here you are." I say and hand Niall his drink. I start searching my wallet when Liam stops me by grabbing my arm and looking straight into my eyes.
"You don't pay me back." He says "it's me a pleasure." I smile to the ground as the grip on my arm lowers.
We all finish our drinks and I lay myself down on the towel when suddenly two hands grasp mine, two my back and two my legs. "No no please no!" I yell, I know how terrible cold the water is when you go in it so sudden. I'm more like the old people and first get used to the temperature of the water, but these guys decided otherwise.
"No Liam please!" I yell.
"No mercy!" Zayn yells back and I can see we get closer and closer to the water.
"You know you'll regret this right!?" I yell back and a huge smile is tugging at the lips of all of them.
"No we won't." Niall laughs, "This is so worth it!"
The cold water hits my body and I can only gasp. My heart skips a beat and just the sight of these three hot guys laughing at my expression makes me laugh with them.
"You are going to regret this so badly!" I smile and they start laughing even harder. Liam's hand goes through his hair what makes him look even hotter than before if that's even possible.
These three guys are just insane. Niall is almost dying of laughter and Liam just pushed Zayn under water.
So sad summer is going to end soon, days like this are just too fun. I should go outside more often and make new friends, just like now.

FanfictionMadison Grace Hudson and her dad live in LA. Her dad is over concerned because her mother died a few years ago. She can't go to parties and the only thing in her life is studying beside writing. Her best friend, Allison, is the complete opposite. Al...