Chapter 48

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*Louis' POV*

Screw him and his damn talks. Screw his damn grades and his damn politeness. Screw Liam.

With that I grab the lamp of the desk and smash it against the wall. On that moment the door swings open, revealing that one person I can miss as headache.

"Go away." I simple say, not even looking at him cause he isn't worth that. How dare he even tear us apart like that?

"Look I want to clear some things out."

"Everything is clear as glass believe me." I answer, forcing my eyes off of him cause I know that when I see his face I won't be able to keep myself calm.

"I said I want to talk to you." He says like he's my father. Please. He's two years younger than me, you should see the look on his face. It makes me want to spit on him like he's dirt. He isn't worthy any better that's for sure.

"And I said you to fucking leave!"

"I didn't know you'd come back. I thought you left her like you did back then with us. I love her and I wanted her to know the truth. I never thought you really loved her, then I wouldn't have told her, Louis." He says. Oh god. "You don't deserve her, she deserves way better than you but I wouldn't try and ruin things for you, you should know that."

"And with better you mean you." I scowl. He's unbelievable.

"Look, I hate you, you hate me. But we both want the same thing. The difference is that I have manners and you don't. I wouldn't try to steal her from you, you would and you would do anything for it. You would hurt your brother just for your own good."

"We aren't brothers Liam."

"Jeeez Louis it's been four years!"

"It are your words not mine."

"And I didn't regret them for a second."

"Look what happened to us. One day we promised each other to buy a house together when we'd be older and the next day we hate each other."

"Who's fault is that?"

"I tried to do the best for Rosie! You stood there doing nothing about him!"

"I know you tried your best! You didn't have to leave the house and get into damn drugs after it!"

"You and mom thought it was my fault! I didn't want to be part of a family that doesn't give a damn about me!"

"You have no fucking clue Louis! We never said it was your fault! You were paranoia and you left to ruin your life. I came after you to get you back but you were too deep already. We prayed every night you'd come back but when I came after you that last time and I saw you doing all that stuff.. I couldn't let you come back and ruin Rosie's future! I missed you like hell but you didn't miss us enough to quit that junk and come back where you belonged! And that is the reason I hate you. You think we gave up on you but I hate you for not trying harder, not trying at all."

"I hated you for not calling me! Not sending me a single letter!"

"Mom did, every day she wrote. And she asked me to bring them to the post office. I couldn't get myself to it. I couldn't. I kept them hidden in my bedroom in a box. When you didn't write back, she gave up. 147 letters Louis."

"You know that only one of those would be enough to make me come back? I stayed cause I thought nobody missed me! How dare you even?!"

"I just hope that one day you'll see you aren't always the victim." He says and makes his way out. "Maybe we could try to be a family again that day. I'm tired of fighting with you, as much as I may hate you."

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