*Maddy's POV*
After I managed to get Louis and myself out of bed and get ready for class we went for the coffee I'm holding in my hands now. We took it with us cause there was no time for drinking it there. I take another sip just as Louis kisses my hair.
"I'll see you around babe." He says and winks before leaving me alone in the crowded hallway. Not for long of course cause I have classes to get to as well. So I almost race towards the class I have now, chemistry, and drop my cup in a trashcan on my way. As I walk in, Calum's eyes find mine. He's sitting next to Alison who's waving for me to sit down on her other side.
I'll never understand how people can talk so much, without any pause. Alison is talking about her last date with Harry and Calum and I just sit there, looking at her then back at our phones, nodding now and then. I get a new text from Calum what makes me smile.
'I text you cause obviously it will be next week till I can talk to you ;) you wanna join me buying a car today? I saved some money and my parents want to pay a part. Caleb is coming too but I need a women perspective too ya know ;) x'
Alison keeps talking and talking with her head in the clouds. She has no idea I fell away when she said "and when I walked into my dorm" what was the second half of her first sentence. I answer Calum that I'm free today and that I'd love to come with them. Laughing with those two is guarantied. Caleb and Calum became such a close friends in such a short time. It feels like they've known each other for years. But actually it is just the same way with me and Louis. I met him barely two months ago and look at us now, I can't imagine my life without him anymore.
"I'd love to stay but Maddy and I need to go, sorry Ali." Calum interrupts her story. Alison looks at me questioningly, "Yeah." I say. "We'll catch up later. I'll call you okay?" Alison nods in response. "You're staying at Louis' tonight?" She asks me. "Yeah, I think so. Why?" Her grey eyes are smiling as she talks. "Harry is taking me out again so we'll stay in our dorm then?" I nod, "Great." I place a kiss on her cheeks before following Calum towards the parking. Caleb is waiting next to his car.
"You here." He smirks and gives me a hug. "Am I waiting for other people too or is this everyone you're taking with you?" He asks Calum sarcastically. Calum gives him an ugly face back what makes me fight a laugh.
"Let's go then." Caleb winks at me and climbs into his car. Calum and I sit down on the backseat. I quickly text Louis that I'm out so he doesn't look for me.
"So what did you have in mind?" Caleb asks Calum who's face goes from 'excited' to 'down' in a millisecond. "I've always wanted a truck but I can't have one from my parents." He pouts, Caleb laughing instantly. "Trucks are cool you know." Calum defends his opinion. I agree, trucks are cool, I remember that when my dad was repairing one, I used to sneak in it and pretended driving it. I've always loved those cars, they've always been my dream, no expensive sport cars but old trucks won my heart.
"Stop laughing, not that your car is so wow." Calum rolls his eyes. Caleb is -of course- instantly offended.
"Yeah he is!"
"No he isn't." Calum says back.
"Yes he is!"
"No Caleb, he isn't." I join in. "Now start driving already." Caleb shuts his mouth and acts like a child the whole way, the stubborn he is. Of course he's joking and he isn't mad at all but he's so childish that he keeps acting and I think it's quiet entertaining.
"Here we are." Caleb sighs and pulls into a lot. Calum and I step out of the car and I follow the boys inside.
Calum can't chose between a grey one and a black one. He keeps going from the one to the other and it's driving Caleb insane. After some time debating Calum choses the black car, just like Louis'. He fills in all the papers and he can come and get his car next week. We say goodbye to the man in uniform and step back into Caleb's car.

FanfictionMadison Grace Hudson and her dad live in LA. Her dad is over concerned because her mother died a few years ago. She can't go to parties and the only thing in her life is studying beside writing. Her best friend, Allison, is the complete opposite. Al...