Chapter 26

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Alison plants a kiss on my cheek before walking after Harry out of the apartment. When the door closes a small sigh escapes from my lips. Louis heard it and lets himself fall onto the sofa before doing the same.

"Everything will be alright." I calm him.

Alison tried to talk to Harry but he didn't want to talk about his fight with Louis. She said he seemed pretty upset. She had never seen him like this before, she said. And Louis doesn't want to talk about it either so I guess we'll never find out what they were fighting about in the tiny kitchen area.

"I'm taking a shower." He informs me as he stands up from the sofa. "You could join me?" He winks, a cheeky smirk playing on his beautiful face.

"No-no I'm fine." I stutter, overwhelmed by his question. Louis chuckles like he didn't expect another answer from me and disappears in the small bathroom.

I hear him turning on the water in the other room. When I'm sure he's under the water I can't stop myself, curiosity takes the control over my actions. I open the drawer where Louis left the photograph of his little sister. But it isn't there anymore. Did he hide it for me? Why would he do that? I start searching in the other drawers leaving a trail of mess behind. But I can't find the picture of the beautiful girl that Louis misses so much. Maybe in his bedroom.

I hurry myself to his bedroom, no idea where to look. And no idea why I'm actually looking for it. It just frustrates me that Louis doesn't want me to see it, that's why I guess. I look under his cushion and mattress and ever under his shirts but I can't find it. The only thing I find in his mess are pencils, papers with some words on it, guitar plays and even condoms -what made me gulp- but not the picture.

Just when I want to give up and go back to the living room before Louis finds me, he opens the door of his bedroom, only wearing boxers. His hands go with the towel through his wet hair.

"I almost thought you left." He speaks while walking up to his closet to pick a shirt to sleep in. "Here wear these, you have nothing to sleep in." He says and throws a dark blue shirt towards me and some sweatpants. I catch them before thanking him, forcing my eyes off of his naked chest. He seems to notice and a smile creeps onto his lips.

"I'll leave you here for a second so you can change." He says and closes the door behind him. I softly curse myself for my lac of self-control. When I'm around him my body seems to go its own way. My mind has no control about what my body is doing or what my mouth is saying.

I hurry to put the clothes on. When I pulled the navy blue shirt over my head I walk out of the room to find Louis, shirtless, standing in the kitchen with his back towards me. I feel my body slowly walk closer to him, like I get sucked towards him. I stand next to him with my back against the counter.

"What were you looking for?" He asks. His voice firmly, without any emotion. His harsh words catch me out of guard.

"Maddy what were you looking for?" His body turns towards me, his blue eyes peering up and down my body.

"Nothing.. Just a phone charger." I blurt. Nice one Maddy. I mentally high-five myself for the excuse.

"A charger?" He asks. His voice is much less hard than moments ago.

"Yea my phone is dead and I was looking for a charger but I forgot you have no Nokia but an iPhone." Damn I'm good.

"Oh okay." Louis says.

A short awkward silence follows. While I'm putting my hair into a ponytail I see his eyes searching for me behind the cup he's drinking from.

"Stop staring." I smile. I hear him chuckle into his cup. He puts it in the sink and follows me to the living room but before we even arrive he wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up before spinning me around. A small squeak leaves my lips. A wide smile covers his beautiful face when he softly turns me around so I'm facing him. He looks down at me and puts a string of hair back with the others into my ponytail. My hand travels up to his chest, their size seeming so small against his torso. He softly kisses my forehead.

"Where are we now?" He asks. The question that's been burning my tongue for days.

"I don't know." I whisper. My eyes locked on our shadows on the plain white walls. His hands cup my hips.

"I don't know where we are but I like it the way it is." He speaks softly.

"Me too." My mouth whispers. I don't know if I agree with it. I guess so.

"We don't need a name tag." He whispers back. The slow movements of his lips bring me out of guard.

I want this. Louis is right, I want this and I can't control it.

My eyes watch his shadow bow his head to mine, I feel his lips brushing the skin of my neck. My fingers wrap around the fabric of his shirt, softly tugging.

We probably shouldn't be doing this but I can't help. I want it.

He starts softly sucking the skin. I lean with my forehead against his shoulder while his hand travels down my back until his hands are around my hips. When he lifts me up I softly press my my lips on his, and again. The second time our lips touch he playfully bites my underlip so I can't pull away. During our kiss he's walking, I have no idea where he's going until he places me on his bed. One arm is supporting his weight, the other pulls my hair out of the ponytail I made. Our lips are still connected when Louis slowly lifts my shirt so my stomach is showing. His thumb slowly traces the skin what makes me shiver. I can't control my body, the only thing I know what's going on is that I want this. I wan't this 100% with all of my body. The more time passes the more I begin to think that Louis is right, I want this and maybe it is meant to be this way.

Louis places a kiss on my belly, my fingers slightly tug his hair. The moment overwhelms me and I can't think straight. My body takes control. My head is spinning and my mind racing. My hands travel to the zoom of his shirt and pull it over his head. I can't get my eyes off of his exposed chest that's rising and falling rapidly.

My fingers follow the black print on his chest.

"I need you, Maddy." He whispered.

I didn't answer him, instead I kissed his cheek that I cupped with my hand. He smiled, like he knew I wouldn't answer his statement. He kisses the top of my nose before our lips connect again. His hands travel up the the shirt that's only covering my chest. Our lips shortly part so he can pull the fabric over my head.

"You're so beautiful." He speaks against my lips, the warmth of his touch and his body above me comforting my body.

He lays down next to me and pulls me against his naked torso. My head rests on his warm chest while his hand is going through my curls. The only thing I can think about is that I've never been this close with a guy before and how good Louis smells. How soft and loving his lips are and how warm and strong his chest is.

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