"And I didn't even tell you what a great kisser he is!" Alison rambles, she's a bit overexcited about her date with Harry yesterday.
"Actually you did, only a thirty times already." I remark but her head is too high in the clouds to even notice my comment. I didn't really listen to what she all said, you can call me a bad friend now but I just didn't feel like listening to her perfect love story while I'm.. You know.. Being me.
I didn't tell her about my conversation with Louis, she joined team Liam and even when she only hears Louis' name she gives me her famous look 'don't you dare falling in love with him.' Like Liam brainwashed her or something. They're right though, I should not let him in. But I don't really believe all the stories they tell about him either, I don't believe he could do such a terrible thing to a girl, no normal person would. Him being friendly and nice to me fits in the picture of a womanizer looking for his next victim but it also fits in the picture of a guy who's searching for who he is and just wants to make some friends like me. I don't know if I'll ever figure out witch one of the two is wrong, I don't even know if I should. It's not like Louis and I are ever getting close anyway.
"Earth to Maddy!" Alison waves her small hands in front of my eyes. "I asked you something my lady! Who were you thinking of?" She smiles.
"Nothing, I was thinking about college." I answer.
"Yea sure, about Liam huh?" She playfully bumps my shoulder. I don't know why she wants me to fall in love with Liam so badly, I know 'we would be perfect for each other' but that isn't even true. And if it would be true I wouldn't want it, perfect is boring.
"Just saying but Liam is turning nineteen in two days." She reminds me. "Maybe we should buy you a cute dress or something."
"Alison, we will never be more than friends."
"You want a boyfriend right?"
"Yea but.."
"And you like Liam, right?"
"Yea but not.."
"So that's clear to me, come on let's go shopping."
"But I.." Before I can start protesting cause she grabs my arm and drags my outside of her house.
After a ten minute walk and ten minutes of listening to Alison's ideas of the perfect dress for me we finally or sadly, they both fit in this situation, enter the boutique Alison was rambling about the whole time. She almost drags me inside and when we're inside I can finally make her let go of my arm, she immediately starts searching for my 'perfect dress' and grabs every dress she can find like a homeless would grab for free pizzas.
I stand there a bit awkwardly and then decide to calmly look around. What am I even doing here? Why would I do any effort to look special on the birthday of a guy who I don't know that long, who sees me as just a friend just like I see him and who didn't even invite me to a party in the first place.
"Ready!" Alison smiles, about ten dresses resting on her arms. "Follow me!" I follow her to the dressing rooms and as she pushes three dresses in my arms to try on she pushes me in one of them and closes the purple curtain behind me.
I try the first dress on, a black one, and open the curtain. Alison's eyes look up and down my not as perfect as hers body, "Nah, too dark." She decides and tells me to try the next one on, a grey one. I open the curtain and her eyes dart up and down my body again.
"Not bad." She mumbles. "Try this one." She instructs and swings another dress to me.
The yellow color is nice but maybe a bit too much. Alison's eyes say enough, before she can say something I turn around to try the next dress on.
Many dresses follow but the perfect wasn't one of them. I have to put on the last one, Alison doesn't listen to her complaining friend and just ignores my pleas to leave the boutique.
"Come on Maddy, the last one," she encourages me and I close the curtain behind me for the very last time. Finally.
The white dress looks actually very good on me, it contrasts with my dark hair and it barely reaches my knees. I catch myself on loving it and keeps looking at myself in the mirror.
"Why does it take so long?" Alison asks and opens the curtain, her eyes dart up and down my body as she looks in the mirror too. Our eyes meet each other in the glass.
"This one isn't it?" She asks and I nod in response. "It's freaking perfect!" She yells and hugs me. What felt like hours of trying on dresses has been worth it.
When I'm back in my normal clothing we go to the pay desk and pay for the white dress.
"He didn't invite me or anything.." I say as we walk out of the boutique.
"You think he invited me?" She asks.
"But.. Is he even giving a party?"
"I don't know."
"Alison.. Why did we.."
"If he gives a party you have a dress and if he doesn't you still have a dress" she explains without looking at me.
Oh yea that makes sense.
"You could go on a date with him." She mumbles.
No. Not again.
"Alison you didn't arrange a date for me did you?" I sigh, knowing she did just that. "No of course not." She scolds.
I frown at her and she gives in, just like I knew she would. "Okay fine! You're going to a restaurant with him tomorrow night."
"Alison, stop trying to fix me a boyfriend! I can do it myself." I complain. Why? Why does it always has to be like she wants? Even if it's about my love life. Even then.
"But he's perfect."
"But I don't want him."
"You're not even giving him a chance."
"Cause I don't want to, and he doesn't want to either."
"Why not?"
"Cause you're pushing me, do you really think it can work between us if it's all planned by you?"
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to help you." Her voice sounds way too sad. I'm somewhat angry but I don't want to upset her either.
"I know but please, we talked about this before. I just don't feel it and it's probably because you're arranging it and it isn't our initiative." She nods. "Things like this should come from the heart not from my friend's diary."
"I know, you're right. I'm sorry but I just wanted to help."
"I know but just.. Don't do that again."
She nods and gives me a weak smile. "What if Liam actually believed I was in love with him? Then I would have to break his heart, what I absolutely don't want to cause I really like him, as a friend." She nods again but looks straight into my eyes now, hers are glossy and I can predict what's coming next.

FanfictionMadison Grace Hudson and her dad live in LA. Her dad is over concerned because her mother died a few years ago. She can't go to parties and the only thing in her life is studying beside writing. Her best friend, Allison, is the complete opposite. Al...