*Maddy's POV*
Classes pass, hours pass.. Life just keeps going. Like nobody actually cares. Like it actually doesn't matter at all. I make a way too big of a deal out of this. It's just a broken heart, people go trough this all the time. Why would it be different now it happens to me?
I haven't seen Louis since his fight with Liam. The blood slowly running down his fingertips. I haven't seen him in the hallways or in class. It seemed like he disappeared from earth.
It's been seven days since he left that night and I think I'm ready to talk to him. This week I've been thinking about everything and I know what I want.
I love Louis but I don't want to be with someone who has tons of secrets. Sooner or later that causes problems. I'm going to tell him that it's over and that I don't want to be friends either. I need my distance if I want to get over him. I want to hang out with my friends, study.. Just enjoy my life like I'd planned it since I was little.
Now I'm not vulnerable anymore. I got over the fact he may love me or he may don't. I don't care anymore. Ali tries to convince me. She says that if we both love each other we have to fight for it but I'm too tired. I still doubt of he's still playing a game but the upper hand thinks he actually cares about me. But still.. I just can't do it.
And I'm more than ready to tell him that. He has no impact on me anymore. I'm done.
So I adjust my make up, put my clothes on and put my hair into a messy bun. When my black conversed are on I'm ready to go look for him.
"I bet you wont be able to resist him." Alison says. "I would bet for money you two end up kissing."
"You wish." I breath.
"Yeah, I wish." Alison sighs. I got her that far to start to study for her history class so she'll pass and I was wondered it didn't take me longer to convince her.
"You study. I'll be back in five." I say.
"Five hours you mean?" She grins.
"No minutes." I answer her and take a last look in the mirror.
"Oh right that's why you keep checking your appearance."
I ignore her last statement and wave shortly. "Study." I point again towards the book on her lap. My friend rolls her eyes. "Kiss." She points towards the door. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. I close the door behind me and let out a breath I was holding for too long.
"Let's go."
I start getting used to taking the stairs, just now I won't have to be in Louis' building anymore.
I walk down the long and empty hallway, my heart beating in my throat. I blame it on the stairs.
I swallow, slowly walking closer to the door I walked through too many times already.
But I never will again after today.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I need to be strong, don't look him in the eyes and just say what I planned on saying and then walk away, head up. I breath out and open my eyes again before knocking on the door silently. It takes a few moments until someone opens the door, like I said to myself; not looking in the eyes. "We need to talk." I say to the floor.
"Maddy?" The floor answers but the floor doesn't sound like Louis at all. I look up to find Harry standing in the doorway. His green eyes look guilty.
"Oh." I say awkwardly.
"Louis is not here." He says.
"Oh uh, you know where he is?"

FanfictionMadison Grace Hudson and her dad live in LA. Her dad is over concerned because her mother died a few years ago. She can't go to parties and the only thing in her life is studying beside writing. Her best friend, Allison, is the complete opposite. Al...