#11 = The scratches you gave him

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Your boyfriend walked into the dining room funny and you raised an eyebrow, looking up from your phone. He waddled weirdly and sat down parallel so he wouldn't have to bend much.

"Niall?" You say confused and he subtly pulled the plate of breakfast closer to him.

"I'm fine." He said and began to use his cutlery though he held his shoulders straight and cut weirdly.

"Ok." You said standing up and head to the kitchen casually. "Oh, but..." you started and strolled back to Niall before touching his shoulders. He flinched and you ran your hands down his arms. "If there's anything wrong... you can tell me Niall." You kissed his neck and gripped his knuckles. "Anything." You repeated waiting for him to break.

"(Y-Y/N)" he stuttered and you smirked.

"Tell me Niall..." you whispered and pushed your body against his chair.

"OK! Ok!" He gave in and you smirked in victory. "You... were a bit, r-rough last night." You raised an eyebrow and he leant forward on his chair as he lifted the back of his shirt up. You went wide eyed at all the scratch marks on his back and it made its way up to his shoulders.

"Jesus Niall!" I'm so sorry!" He chuckled and waved it off awkwardly since the subtle pain.

"I'm fine... I-I like it though." You raised an eyebrow and leant on the table beside him.

"Like it?" You asked and he nodded.

"Makes me feel sort of bad ass you know?" He asked and you chuckled before kissing his forehead.

"Well I'll meet you in the lounge room later... bad ass." You teased and left the room.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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