#130 = You find out he's gay (Part 1)

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"I'm gonna do it Harry! I'm gonna tell him!" You stood up and Harry smiled at you.

"Good on ya love!" He chirped as you walked through the apartment towards Niall's door. You've liked him for a while now and you were going to fess up your feelings.

As you turned the corner; you went wide eyed before hiding behind the wall.

"I've liked you for ages Louis." Niall was making out with Louis against the wall as your heart dropped. Oh...

You sighed and looked down at your feet as you pushed hair from your face. "You done it yet?" Looking up, you saw Harry smile and come over to you.

"I can't. He's... occupied."

"What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow as he peeked around the corner. "Holy-

You covered his mouth and hid him beside you as you nodded. "So... Niall's gay huh?" You felt extremely stupid for crushing on a guy who isn't even into women. "Umm..." you looked at Harry who blushed lightly. "I'm straight and free Friday night." You went wide eyed as he chuckled.

"S-so am I." You smiled agreeing as he smiled big.

"Pick you up at 7?"

"Counting on it." You both then left the lover boys in the hall.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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