#160 = You can do magic

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Sharing ice cream with Niall, you smiled and looked at him before tapping his shoulder.

"Hey Ni, wanna see a magic trick?" He smiled and nodded.

"Sure babe." You knew he didn't think you could do it but boy was he wrong.

Clearing your throat, you spun your hand around the metal spoon. "Behold, I will now bend the spoon." Niall chuckled unconvinced but let you continue.

Concentrating, you flexed your fingers for a few moments before the spoon began to bend.

"WHOA!" Niall yelled wide eyed as you smiled and put the bent spoon in his lap.

"Merry Christmas." You giggled.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" He examined the spoon as you shrugged and stole his spoon for ice cream.

"A magician never reveals their secrets." It's true. They never do.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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