#115 = Getting mugged

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"P-please!" You begged as an armed robber came towards you. "H-have anything you w-want!"

"I don't anything you own." He smirked as he stepped closer. You were fearing for your life. What if he was a murderer? Or he just wantes to... rape you?

"Please let m-me go-

"So you can squeal? I don't think so." He held the cold blade of his knife to your throat as you let a silent tear down your cheek.

"Hey!" You both heard a yell and looked to see a man walking up the sidewalk. "The lady said let her go so you best be doing that."

His had such a calm tone to his voice, like seeing danger was a regular occurance.

"Look mate, just fuck off. This one is mine." He hissed as the man came up to you both.

"I don't think so." He said pulling out a gun and shooting his leg. You screamed into your hands as the attacker hobbled away a bit. "Now, you best be on your way."

The man cringed before stumbling from the alleyway. You looked up at the dangerous hero before he put his gun away.

"Run." He said making you stumble back. "Get out of here and go home." He turned and began walking away.

"W-what's your name?!" You called making him look back at you. He smirked before pulling his hoodie down.

He... had a completely gorgeous face.

"Just remember my face babe." He then pulled his hoodie back up before Leaving you alone again.

Shaking your head, you ran out from the alleyway and to your apartment.

Something really bad could happened today. But luckily a dangerous stranger saved you. A gorgeous dangerous stranger.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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