#42 = Break up (Part 3)

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It had been a month since Niall came pleading at your door. He was telling the truth about therapy sessions and even had some with you.

You wanted to fix the relationship but you didn't know how since he hurt you to badly.

You both just went to see a therapist and went to the shops for lunch. Niall insinuates it's a date but you prefer it not to be.

"So." Niall broke the silence between you both as you silently ate your food. "How do you think we're going?" He asked making you just stare up at him. "I-in our relationship. A-am I forgiven?"

Letting out a sigh, you put your food down and grabbed your drink.

"You really hurt me Niall." You whisper as he swallowed hard.

"I'll do anything to make it up to you. Anything!" He pleads grabbing your arm.

"I don't want anything from you Niall. I just..." you put your drink down and gripped the can. "I'll forgive because that's who I am."

Niall beamed at you and you rolled your eyes.

"S-so I'm forgiven?"

'To a certain degree, yes." He tried to take your hand but you pulled it awsy. "But that doesn't mean I want to be in a relationship with you just yet."

He frowned slightly before waving it off.

"I-it's better than nothing right?" He tried to cover up his hurt. You didn't want to see him like this despise what he did to you. But he's just getting a taste of what he's dished out.

"Can we at least... start again. As friends?" You bit your bottom lip unsure as he held a hand out. "Hi. I'm Niall." His hand lightly shook and you looked up at him before sighing.

"(Y/N)." You shook his hand and he smiled.

"I'll wait an eternity before you're ready to be mine again. Because I still love you, and I'll always love you." You still loved him to. Though you just.needed some space to clear your head.

"Ok." You said as he took his hand back.

"So. Lets start over."

~ NouisHoransons_child

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