#45 = Your child graduates

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Bailey = Your child

"And make sure not to do drugs, or smoke. Don't even think about one night stands. Become committed. Get a good job and a nice house to show off. Ooh! And your partner has to be a good cook!"

"Mum." Bailey said and you bit your lip. "I'm old enough to worry about that now." You nodded holding back tears.

"I just... I can't believe you're all grown up." You wiped Baileys cheeks and they pulled you in for a hug.

"I love you." You whispered to them and pulled away as Niall came and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Daddy loves you very much." He said in a baby voice and you smiled sniffling as he gave your child a hug.

"Bailey!" He looked over to see his friends calling him over.

"Well. I guess I should go take a photo and maybe get ready for a graduation party." You just nodded and Bailey smiled at you and Niall before running to his friends.

"I can't believe Bailey is all grown up. I swear I was cleaning diapers yesterday." Niall chuckled and kissed your temple. "At least we've got the house to ourselves." You gave him the look and he shrugged.

"I guess there will always be one big baby to look after." You joked and walked from him.

"Hey! You enjoy it so quit complaining!" You laugh as Niall caught up to you.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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