#67 = He wants it

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"(Y/N)..." You hear Niall whisper and his arms wrap around you. Picking up another plate, you began to dry it with a tea towel though he rubs his hands up your arms. "Do that later." You raise an eyebrow as he put the plate and towel down for you before kissing your shoulder.

Pushing his front onto your bum, he lightly nibbles your skin and skims his lips up your neck. A tingle goes through your body and he pushes his hands under your shirt to feel over your stomach.

You know exactly what he wants and grip the bench leaning forward as he follows you. He breathe trickles down the back of your neck and he pushes your hair out of the way.

"Please." He whispered and you nodded as you turn and grip his shirt. He smashes his lips onto yours and begs for entrance before pushing your back on the bench. He always became rough when he wanted you but during he became gentle and loving. That's how it always turned out.

~ NouisHoransons_child

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now