#113 = Your child is disabled

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Your daughter sat on the couch silently in your lap. You stroked her hair and kissed it as she slowly looked up at you.

"M-mummy..." she whispered.

"Yeah baby girl?" You asked peering into her bright blue eyes. Brighter than Niall's.

"A-am I weird... b-because I'm b-blind...?" You went wide eyed before pulling her for a close hug.

"No. Never. Your father and I, our families and many fans love you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with tou Felicity. You're perfect."

"She's right you know." You glanced to see Niall walk in and kiss her forehead. "You're not weird at all. You were born this way and we love you. Tou could have been born with two heads and we'd still love you. You're my angel."

A slow creeps onto her face as hugs us both.

"I love you both." She whispers as I smile warmly at her then at Niall.

"We love you more Felicity."

~ NouisHoransons_child

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