#114 = Your child gets homesick

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"So this is where daddy grew up." Niall says as your daughter simply nods. A few days after we arrived, she's become really quiet.

"Niall, how about you go and buy some lunch. We'll meet you in the food court yeah?" Niall looks at you and then your daughter.

"Alright, don't be long." He pecked your lips and your daughters forehead before walking off.

'M-mum..." Felicity whimpered as you looked down at her. "I-I want to go home." She choked out and you knelt in front if her.

"Oh sweetheart. Are you homesick?" She nods as you wipe her cheeks. "It's alright to be homesick you know. Niall used to be homesick all the time on tour."

"R-really?" She asked as you began walking to the food court.

"Sure did! So your uncles had to speak Irish until he felt better."

"Can... can dad speak British?"

"Is the pope catholic?" She giggled and nodded her head.

"I'll ask dad to speak British then. I might feel a bit better." She whispered as you both entered the food court.

"I promise he'll do what he can to make you feel better. I mean...that's what he did when I toured with them."

~ NouisHoransons_child

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