#144 = He likes your twin (Part 2)

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You had been in the toilets for a little while and finally decided to come out. It was close to second lunch anyway, might as well go home early.

Wiping your eyes, you left the toilets and headed to the office. You had to look sick or the office wouldn't buy it.

Slapping your face and airing your eyes, it took you a few minutes before you arrived at the administration door.

"Come on (Y/N)." You pep talked yourself before stepping into the air conditioned building.

The sound of staff and office ladied filled your ears as you gradually made your way up to the counter. It took them a few minutes to notice you since they were in a gossiping conversation about someone's parents.

"Excuse me." You say as one of them notices you.

"What are you doing here?" Well I hate you to.

"I'm feeling sick and want to go home." One lady came to the computer and slumped like she had a sudden burden on her shoulders.

"Last name." You told her your last name before she printed out a pass. "Here you go." She said and ignored you going back to her conversation.

Wiping your nose, you headed towards the front door and pushed through it.

Now to go home. Lock yourself in your room and cry. Lovely.

~ NouisHoransons_child

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now