#59 = He apologises to you

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“You’re kidding right…?” You growled and Niall rubbed the back of his neck shaking his head.

“N-no…” this was unbelievable.

“So… I when I asked you to pick up Felicity from day care yesterday, you couldn’t because… you were out with your friends drinking?”

“I-I didn’t know you wanted me to pick her up!”

“Cut the shit Niall!” You growled and he slouched back into his chair looking the other way. He had a pout on his face that you knew he knew what he had done wrong. “I thought you were ready to be a father! Ready to take responsibility! Ready to step up and be a role model!”

“I am!”

“Well clearly not since you’d rather get half pissed then look after your daughter while I’m at work!” You snapped and he swallowed hard and looked down. “Look, I know you got the perfect life where you get to tour and have girls fanning over you. But some of us have to live the average life. And I hate having to do twice the amount of work when you are here when I would usually do it when you aren’t! You don’t understand Niall! I get death threats from your fans saying they’ll threaten our family, and the least you could do is tell them to back off!” Niall looked up at me as you panted in anger at him.

“I’m sorry-

“You’re sorry?! Oh how rich Niall! You’re sorry isn’t going to change the fact that you fucked up! Because if you keep doing this then one day when your back is turned, one of us will be dead!”

“I SAID I’M SORRY OK?!” he stood up and gripped your arms as you went slightly wide eyed. “If you’re asking me to be a better parent then just say so! You don’t need to go making wild assumptions like that! I-it…” he whispered and looked down before he put his head on my shoulder. “I do get scared when I go on tour because I’m not here to protect you. And it kills me to think that if anything happens to you or my daughter I can’t do anything because I’m so far away. I forgot to pick her up yesterday and I’m sorry.” He whispered and you sighed.

Lifting a hand, you run it through his hair before gripping it and pulling him close for a hug.

“Just… please make an effort.” He held you tightly and nodded.

“I promise.”

~ NouisHoransons_child

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