#148 = He's deaf

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Niall sobbed in your arms as you held him close. He does this very often when realisation hits him.

He's deaf and he hates it. He became deaf only recently and he can't handle it. He's not used to this. He's tried to kill himself a couple of times but you've convinced out of it.

He can't hear your voice, his music, anything.

You stroked his hair as he just cried into your neck. You wished you could give him his hearing back so you could stop him crying himself to sleep.

You leant back and cupped his face as he looked up at you. His tears rolled down your palms and you stared into his blood shot eyes.

'I love you' you mouthed and kissed his nose. He brought his shaky hands up and did the signs back to say he loved you to. He had only started learning sign language and he cried every time he forced himself to learn a new word.

Your hands ran through his hair as his head hung.

'I can't do this' he hand signed and you shook your head.

'Yes you can' you hand signed back as he fell limp in your chest before he cried again.

Oh Niall, how we wish we could help you.

~ NouisHoransons_child

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now