#137 = First kiss

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Niall holds your hand as he walks you both up to the front door of your house. You have butterflies in your stomach because you know what's coming.

"So, I had a great time tonight." How cliche Niall.

"Yeah, it was." You search through your purse for your house keys.

"So, can we do this again sometime?" Niall blushed as you got a hold of your keys.

"I'd like that." You smiled as you both awkwardly stood there. Can he just kiss you already?

"Umm... so, I guess..." you trailed off taking a hold of your door handle.

"Yeah... I-I'll call you later." You nodded as you unlocked your door.

"Night." You said pushing the door open.

"N-night." He turned and you sighed before stepping through. "No... wait." You looked back to see Niall take your wrist and pull you forward. His other hand cupped your face pulling it in as you went wide eyed.

His lips came in contact with yours as he cupped your face. You slowly relaxed into him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your hands gripped his hair and he pushed you against the wall. Your body moulded to his and he tilted your head up pulling away.

You lightly panted and he smiled before kissing you again. His arms tightened as he pulled away again, both of you out of breathe.

"Night wasn't gonna cut it for me. Sorry." He blushed and you giggled at him.

"I was waiting for it so don't worry." He chuckled and pecked your cheek.

"Night princess."

"Night Niall" he smiled walking towards his car again.

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