#31 = Giving you the silent treatment

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You opened the front door excitedly as you stepped into the apartment.

"Honey! I'm home!" You giggled at the cliche line and put you're jacket on the coat rack. There was no reply but you shrugged it off before taking out your small anniversary present for Niall. It's your first and you had it all planned out. Chinese with a couple of movies and cute presents.

You let your hair down and walked further into the house.

"Niall?" You cooed and smiled to yourself until you came into the dining room. You went wide eyed and froze. There was Niall with a table set up all romantic for both of you. Dinner was set out; the candles were slowly coming to the end of their life and Niall sat there plain faced. He hasn't even touched his food.

"You're back." He said not even looking at you and you put the Chinese on the bench.

"H-hi..." you whisper and looked around. He had decorated the room with tinsel and lights. It was breathe taking. "You, umm... you did this?" He didn't make a noise or even move. "I like it. A lot." You whispered and looked at him. "So... are you ready for the plans I made tonight?"

"So you suddenly care about our anniversary now?" He snapped and stood up.

"What are you talking about?! Of course I care! I went down and waited about an hour for that Chinese food! I went out and bought a present for you! I even hired movies for us to watch! I spent all day thinking about you Niall! I didn't know you would have done this!" He glared at you as you swallowed hard.

"I texted you." He said and you blinked back before checking your pockets. Getting your phone out, you saw a message from Niall and opened it. It said he had changed plans and he wantes to go traditional and cliché with you.

"N-Niall... I-

He walked out of the ro leaving you to stand there stunned. You didn't know. You had left your phone in the car all day. It's only been in your pockets five minutes! You jumped when you heard a door slam and ran to your shared room. Trying to open the door, you found it was locked.

"Niall! Niall let me in!" He ignored you and you pounded the door. "Niall James Horan! Please! I love you! I haven't had my phone on me today! P-please let me explain..." you choked out though it was still silent. You let out a loose tear slip and sniffled. "Fine. Be a fucking arsehole. Happy anniversary Niall." You dropped your present onto the floor in front of the door and wiped continuous tears that fell.

Coming to the back door, you slammed it open amd stepped outside into the cold dark atmosphere. You walked down the small stairs and around the garden to the tiny hill. Sitting on it, you pulled your knees up to your chest and let it all out. You didn't know. You wanted everything today to be perfect and it's everything but.

You sat out there for hours until you had no tears left. Until your throat hurt. Until your chest hurt and heart ached enough.

The cold had gotten to you a while back but now you were numb. You stared at thr back fence pointlessly until you heard footsteps behind you.

"(Y/N)..." You ignored Niall before he came and cautiously sat next to you. "I... I got your present." He whispered and you wiped your nose as you looked down. "I-it's beautiful." You simply nodded and he lightly put a hand on your lower back. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I shouldn't have gone and changed plans. You were excited before you left today and I ruined our anniversary." You shook your head and looked at him.

"It's my fault. I should of had my phone on me. But I'm an idiot." He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your temple.

"No you're not. We both fucked up." You kept silent and he put a hand in your hair. "How about... you come inside. We have two anniversary dinners. We watch movies and I'll give you my present."

"Y-you bought me a present?" You asked and he stroked your cheek.

"Of course I bought you a present." You let a tear out and he wiped it away.

"O-ok." He took your hand and helped you up as he held you close and you walked towards the house.

"Maybe after movies we can really celebrate." You playfully slapped your boyfriends shoulder.

"You're gross. You don't need to state the obvious." He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"I love you."

~ NouisHoransons_child

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