#62 = Seeing him cry for the first time

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"Niall! Come on!" You call pushing hair from your face and waiting for him at the front door.

"I'm coming!" He calls and you sigh in annoyance. You gave him an extra hour to get ready but he still isn't ready. The lads are probably at the restaurant waiting already. Who knows how long they've been there.

"Well come faster!" You yelled and heard him laugh.

"That's what you said last night!"

"Niall!" You scold before hearing a chair screech across the floor before a massive yell.

"FUCK!" That did not sound good at all.

"Niall?" You called and it was quiet. You sighed and walked into the dining room where you saw Niall leaning on the table holding his foot. "What are you doing Ni?" He kept quiet and slightly shook before you heard sniffling. Wait... Is he... Is he crying?

"I-I hit my toe on the c-chair..." He slumped to his knees and you paced over before pulling him up and holding him close. He lightly cried into your shoulder with a lifted foot.

"Aw babe. You're ok." You stifled a laugh and he sniffled.

"D-don't laugh at me." You covered your mouth with your hand and slowly pulled away from you. "I'm in pain. D-don't laugh at me."

"Sorry." You said and pulled him back forward though he shook his head.

"You're terrible..." You burst out laughing and hugged as you both swayed side to side. Your mobile began ringing before you pulled it from your purse and answered it.

"H-hello!" You chuckled and Niall pulled a small smile before wrapping his arms tightly around you.

"(Y/N)? Where are you?" You heard the familiar voice of Harry on the phone

"Hey Harry." You chuckled and cleared your throat. "W-we're coming now. Niall stubbed his toe-

"It hurts!" He yelled and I kept laughing as he reached for my phone. I pulled away and ran to the front door.

"Can't get me cripple!" I yelled and. Looked to see him limp after me. That. You onto a fit of laughter again as he took the phone from you.

"Give us ten minutes." He said ands hung up before I fell to the floor on hysterics. Wow, I love the way I show love when Niall cries for the first time.

~ NouisHoransons_child

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now