#122 = He breaks something important to you (Part 1)

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"Niall, be careful ok." You said as you and Niall decided to get spring cleaning out of the way. He was holding a precious vase that had been handed down generation after generation. It was a prize possession to you.

"I've got it babe. Calm down." Niall was casual for this. Too casual.

"I don't think you should walk backwards." You whispered as he rolled his eyes smiling.

"Don't worry baby, I have everything under contr-

He tripped over the broom he put on the floor before catching his fall. Though you wished he could have caught something else.

A large smash echoed throughout the house making you freeze in horror.

"What have you...?" You breathed in shock before running over to where the vase had shattered.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N)! I didn't mean to! The broom wasn't meant to be there! I should have caught it! I should have done something!" He kept rambling on as you knelt down silently and stayed silent.

"Please forgive me!" He pleaded tugging at your shirt before you slowly stood up.

"Chuck it out... it's useless to me now." You walked up to your room and shut it before locking yourself in... what have you done...?

~ NouisHoransons_child

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