#35 = He gives your daughter, 'the talk'

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"So...".Niall cleared his throat and Felicity sat next to you on the couch. Louis and Harry came over today to see the three of you. Harry made cupcakes earlier and Louis was, well... being Louis. "I think it's time I explained to you what... you know." He said nervously and you raised an eyebrow.

"What are you going on about mate?' Louis asked braiding Felicity's hair as you had taught him.

"Felicity. When you become an adult and you love someone very much, you... have a certain way of expressing it." You went wide eyed when you caught on and Harry stood up.

"What? Sex?" She said and Niall went wide eyed.

"Who told you that?!" She pointed to Harry though he already left the room. "Harry! You are so dead!" Niall yelled and ran after him. Felicity looked at Louis and you as you both shrugged.

"Boys." Louis and you sighed before laughing.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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