#150 = He's abusive (Part 1)

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"Don't you EVER talk back to me!" Niall screamed in your face before his hand gripped your hair. He dragged you into another room before slamming the door shut with his foot.

"Bitch. Whore.. slut."


"Attention seeker. Skank. Cocker taker!" Niall pulled your face close to his with a disgusting smirk on his face. "You should be lucky I love you. You should treat me like a fucking god little girl!"

Slamming your head onto the floor, he slapped you before ripping your shirt open. You whimpered as he kicked your side.

"Why can't you be beautiful like everyone else?! Why was I stuck with you?! You're nothing. You hear me (Y/N)?! Nothing!"

He spat on you before exiting the room, leaving you a broken mess on the floor.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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