#105 = School jock (Part 1)

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Walking down the school halls, you came close to your locker to see the one and only school jock Niall Horan making out with some random girl on it.

Rolling your eyes, you walked over before clearing your throat.

"Excuse me." They stopped and looked at you. The girl chucked you a dirty look though Niall smirked. "If you could not make out on my locker, that would be much appreciated."

Niall pulled the girl off before tapping her bum.

"See you later yeah?" He bites her lip nodding and walks down the hall. You quickly dust off your locker before opening it. "So... (Y/N) yeah?"

"I'm so glad you remembered my name." You spoke sarcastically before pulling out your first subject books.

"Pleasures all mine babe. Anyway, I was waiting for you to come."

"Obviously, you know. Making out with that girl and all." Slamming the locker shut, you began walking past him and down the hall.

"I got bored babe." He began you as you rolled your eyes. "So anyway, you know we've got a game on this afternoon and I'd like you to be there."

"No thanks."

"Oh come on babe!" Niall stopped in front of you and held your shoulders. "You can sit on the bleachers and then come to mine after." You grimaced and pushed his hands off.

"Sorry Horan, I have a date tonight." He narrowed his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"With who?"

"My bed. We're gonna sleep together." You pushed past him towards your classroom.

"Don't think this is over (Y/N)!" Niall called as you sighed.

"Far from it." This will be a long year.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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