#42 = Break up (Part 1)

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(Y/F/N) = Your Friends Name

(Y/N) = Your Name

"(Y-Y/N)... I have to tell you something." Your friend stuttered out and you raised an eyebrow before turning to her. You put down your butchers knife as you were halfway through dinner and your friend wanted to stay the night. She said she had something to tell you.

"Yes (Y/F/N)?" She balled her fists on her baggy shirt and looked up at you teary eyed.

"Please don't hate me." You swallowed hard and wanted to comfort her but had to know what she had done first.

"What's going on?" She held her stomach with her arms and pulled her clothes back showing a bump.

"I-I'm pregnant..." you went wide eyed. Should you be happy for her? Why is she so upset over this?

"T-that's great! You've wanted to have children right?" I smiled and tears came down her face.

"I-it's... Niall's." Your heart stopped and you completely froze.

Did you hear that right?

"I-I am... so s-sorry. It was a fling! You weren't meant to find out! B-but the bump meant I had to tell you! (Y/N) I'm sorry..." you balled your fists and glared at her.

"A... fling?" You asked and she cried into her hands.

"He said h-he wanted more and I g-gave it to him. T-that's why I came around do o-often."

"To have sex." You said bluntly and she nodded. "Get out." You whispered and she choked out sobs.


"I said get out (Y/F/N)!" You yelled and she scrambled out of the room. You let out a shaky growl and balled your fists tighter as you walked into the lounge room where your cheating boyfriend sat. "Niall." He glanced at you and nodded.

"Hi baby. How's dinner going?" You kept silent and towered over him from behind. He had a sip of his beer and looked up at you. "You didn't answer me." Just staring at him, he raised an eyebrow. "(Y/N)?"

"You should leave as well." He blinked back before sitting up and looking at you confused.

"What? Why?"

"Go and leave with (Y/F/N). Go have your fucking family with her and never contact me again." He went wide eyed and dropped his beer as he slowly stood up.


"You fucking heard me Niall! While you were screwing my friend behind my back! Now she's pregnant! Now fucking get out and don't EVER COME BACK! WE'RE THROUGH!" I screamed and heard a faint voice.

"(Y-Y/N)..." You turned to see a guilty looking (Y/F/N).

"I told you to get out. Our friendship is over. And so is our relationship. Get out. Both of you." You turned to Niall who shook his head.

"I-I can explain."

"I DON'T WANT AN EXPLAINATION! I DON'T WANT A WORD! I DON'T WANT YOU! NOT NOW! NOT EVER AGAIN!" You held a brave face as he swallowed hard and walked over to your friend.

"Let's go." He whispered knowing not to fuck with you. They both left with the front door shutting and you let it all out. You let all the hurt and pain out.

It's funny how you think you know a person. But they turn out to be the exact opposite.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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