#154 = They prank on you, not knowing you're pregnant (Part 2)

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"NIALL PLEASE!" He heard you desperately scream and jumped tp his feet.

"(Y/N)!" He bolted up the hall and to the bathroom door. Slamming the door open, he went wide eyed to see you lying on the floor holding your stomach.

"P-please..." you choked out and he was immediately beside you.

"What happened?! Did you slip?! Fall?? Break a bone?! Tell me what happened!"

'I'M IN LABOUR!" You screamed making him blink back.


"What's going on in here?!" Liam was at the door as you clung to Niall.

"H-help Liam." You panted and he immediately was by your side helping you up. Niall knelt frozen on the floor as Liam helped you into the lounge room.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked as the boys stood up concerned.

"Now look what you've done Louis!" Harry yelled and slapped him in the back of the head.

"OUCH!" He yelled glaring at Harry.

"Lay her down." Liam said laying you on the couch.

"What's wrong?!"

"Did you hurt yourself?!"

"Was the prank to much?!" They kept bombarding questions at you rallying up your annoyance.

"I'M PREGNANT!" The room went silent as you gripped the couch.


"This isn't the time Louis!" Liam yelled as Harry slapped his head again.

"Are you giving birth?" Zayn asked and you nodded throwing your head back.

"Oh god! Oh god! Oh god-

Louis slapped a panicking Harry before Harry glared at him.

"Isn't nice is it?"

"H-help..." a tear came down your face though Liam wiped it away. "I-it's coming! Fuck it's COMING!" You screamed as Liam went between your legs.

"Zayn get a towel and moist cloth! Harry, hold her hand and Louis!" He looked at Louis before sighing. "Go stand in that corner."

Louis grumbled before walking over and crossing his arms. Liam lifted your shirt and pulled your pants down as your body began to push


"I'm here (Y/N)." Harry took your hand and you squeezed it with everything you had. "T-too tight!"

Liam took your panties off and spread your legs.

"On my count, I need you to push for me alright sweetheart?"


"You tell him!" Louis glared at Liam before you let out a long scream.

Let it be over. Fuck just let it be over

(It's gonna be a trilogy type thing so part 3 coming soon!!!)

~ NouisHoransons_child

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