#126 = He gets a tattoo

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You sit outside in the waiting room as Niall gets a tattoo. Ugh! You were so nervous. What if he passed out? What if he changed his mind? What if-

"He'll be fine love." Harry patted you leg reassuringly as you looked at him. "Trust me, I'm stuck with him a lot. And if there's one thing I know about him, it's once he sets his mind to something. He does it." You knew this all to well to be true.

"I know. Though I don't know why I'm worried so much."

"Niall told me you were scared of tattoos so I can see why." You sighed at him before he rolled up sleeve showing you his ship tattoo. "See this?" He asked and you nodded.

"I cried like a baby getting that."

"R-really?" You asked and he chuckled nodding.

"But it was worth it." Your finger lightly traced it as he smiled.

"Guys." You both looked over to see Niall come out with a bandage around his wrist.

"Niall!" You stood up happy to see him as he chuckled walking over to you.

"You wanna see it?" Harry came beside you as Niall pulled back the bandage. You went wide eyed to see your name inscripted in cursive as he smiled.

"Y-you got my name?" You stuttered as he nodded.

"I love you with all my heart (Y/N). So I decided that if you're not with me always, then I'll look at this to remind me how much I love you."

You pulled him in for a hug which he instantly returned. "Ouch!" He lightly hissed making you pull back. "My tattoo still burns."


"More hugs for me!" Harry hugged you from the side as you laughed at him. Boys. You swear...

~ NouisHoransons_child

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