#150 = He's abusive (part 2)

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You don't know how long you sat in that room in your own mess but you finally decided pull yourself together. Staggering to your feet, you walked over to the full length mirror in the room.

You were a mess. Not only did you think you looks like a mess, you felt like a mess.

No more. No more...

"No more." You mumbled walking over to the en suite. Locking the door, you stumbled over to the sink before suddenly vomiting on the sink. You were disgusting and you knew it.

Maybe you could end it. Then you won't have to bother Niall. Then you won't have to be a waste of space to everything and everything.

Opening the bottom draw, you took out the razor you always used before bringing it to your wrist. Slice it upwards than you definitely can't go back. Both wrists, they can't stitch that up. You'll be dead in a matter of minutes.

Bringing the razor down a whimper escaped your lips as you sliced slowly up your skin.

"(Y/N)! Where the fuck are you?!" You heard Niall yell form the bedroom as you began on your second wrist. Blood seeped down your arm and a sob left your mouth as you fell to your knees. "(Y/N)! Open this fucking door right now! You know not to lock the doors!" He yelled as the razor dropped the the floor. Everything went hazy and small weak sobs left your mouth.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) answer me!" Your blood pooled around you and slid down the bathroom drained as you fell into it. The door handle twisted frantically before loud knocks were desperately thrown. "(Y/N) baby! Please open this door!"

You shut your eyes and smiled sadly at the truth that you won't be hassling Niall anymore.

"That's it." You heard before a massive crack erupted the room. Slowly opening your eyes, you looked to a see a blood covered hand punched through the door and unlock the handle. "(Y/N)!" Niall yelled and ran to your side before kneeling beside you. "Oh baby! What have you done?!" He panicked pulling you into his chest as your head rolled aimlessly. "What have you... why would you d-do this?"

"You don't l-love me... n-no one does..."

"You're wrong! You're so flicking wrong baby! I love you with everything I have!" He began to go blurry and you shut your eyes again as he held his lips on your forehead.

"Too late..." Indeed, it was too late.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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