#118 = He's your son

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"Mummy!" Your little boy Niall giggled as you ran a hand through his hair.

"Eat up little man. Your bedtime is after dinner." You whispered as he bounced in your lap.

He dished another spoonful of custard into his mouth which dribbled into his bib. You wiped his face with a napkin and he leant back into you. "I love you so much sweetheart."

Your little bundle of joy in your arms was all you needed. His father had left you both you thought it better that way, him being a drunk and all.

After he had finished eating, you quickly wiped his face again and his hands as well.

Niall began giggling as you put him down. He looked up at with with those beautiful eyes you had fallen in love with as he grinned.

"Watch me mummy!" He ran around the room making aeroplane noises and sounds as you smiled lovingly at him.

He was your life and he's all you ever needed.

~ NouisHoransons_child

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now