#23 = Going to a concert

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"WE HAVE TO GO! OH MY GOD! THERE IS NO OPTION!" You yelled and pulled Niall up.

"B-but... I wanted to sleep in and eat food tonight." He said and you stepped back fake hurt and pretended to cry. It was one of your hidden talents.

"I-I just... l-love Rihanna s-so much..." you choked out and Niall stood up before pulling you into his chest.

"OK! Ok we'll go to Rihanna's concert tonight." He said reassuringly and quickly making you smile and cup his face.

"Yay! Ok, so you have an hour to get ready!" You chirped and pecked his nose. He blinked a few times before groaning. You begin walking up the hall talking to yourself out loud. "Ok, so I'll go for a shower and then get dressed. I'll put make-up on and do my hair. Should I go formal or street look? I mean Rihanna rocks both looks but-

"(Y/N)! Get in that damn shower or I'm not going!" Niall yelled up the hall and you scurried faster with a smile plastered on your face.

~ NouisHoransons_child

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now