#153 = Abusive boyfriend

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(Y/B/N) = Your Boyfriend Name

"Ok, I won't be long. Just wait for me ok?" You sniffled and nodded.

"O-ok." Then you hung up and slowly stood to your feet. Your boyfriend (Y/B/N) abuses you. A lot. You have visible scars that makeup just can't seem to hide anymore. So in a desperate time of need, you had just called your best friend Niall to come get you.

You couldn't do this anymore.

"(Y/N)!" You heard an agressive yell before the bedroom door slammed open.

You had just slung your bag over your back and looked at him wide eyed.

"I had called multiple times (Y/N) and- wait... why do you have a bag pack. You going somewhere?" He made his way over to you as you whimpered back.

"I-I'm leaving, y-you (Y/B/N)..." he nostrils flared in fury before his hand grabbed around your neck choking you.

"You don't get to decide if you leave me or not! I'm the one you respect! The one you obey! And you're nothing without me! You fucking hear me (Y/N)?! NOTHING!"

"YOU'RE WRONG!" He stopped and you both looked over to see an angry Niall storm into the room. "Get your hands off of her you pig!" Niall physically ripped (Y/B/N) hand from your throat before tugging you behind him.

You choked out and tried regaining your breathe as Niall stood between you and your boyfriend.

"You ever lay a finger on her and I'll kill you! You got that?! She's mine!"

"She's MINE!" Niall's fist immediately came into (Y/B/N)'s face making him stumble to the floor. Knocking his head on the side table, he was knocked out cold.

"Come on (Y/N)!" Niall pulled you out of the room and up the hall to the front door.


"Don't look back (Y/N)! I've got you!" He said pulling you out the front door and towards his car.

"Niall listen-

"He's bad for you (Y/N). Lets go." You got to the car before yanking your hand back.

"NIALL!" He stopped and immediately looked at you. "Thank you. Now tell me what you meant by mine."

"Mine?" He asked confused and you nodded.

"Mine. You said I was yours. Why?" He sighed and put you leaning on the front of the car before sighing.

"Ok, one. I said that to try and scare him." You looked down lightly holding your neck before Niall softly tilted your head back up. "And two... because... because I want it to be true."

You blinked back as he cupped your face.

"I... I've liked you for a long time. Love at first sight you could say. And I just... I-I..." you swallowed hard looking at him a bit worried. "I love you."

He breathed not giving you a chance to react when he pushed his lips onto yours. You blinked back a few times and he slightly leant you over the car.

Relaxing into him, you slowly kissed back before he slowly pulled away. "Be mine." He whispered and you simply nodded in response.

He smiled and pecked your lips and jaw before kissing down to your bruised neck.

"N-no!" You panted and he slightly leant back.

"That dickhead." He whispered and pulled you close. "I'll take good care of you so you're never hurting like this again. You're mine and I intend to keep it that way." You whimpered as he kissed your bruises before holding you close.

You hope he doesn't go back on his promise.

"I love you." He mumbled into your neck as you sighed.

Deep down inside, you loved him back. Even if you didn't know it yet, you did. And hopefully Niall can take better care of you than your abusive ex boyfriend ever did.

~ NouisHoransons_child

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