#108 = First time

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Niall had brought you back to your apartment after the dinner you had together. It had been thirty minutes and here you are snogging on the couch.

Niall slowly laid you on your back against the couch before lowering himself onto you.

"N-Niall..." You pant and grip his shirt as he leans up.

"Y-you want me to t-take it off?" He pants while blushing and you swallow down your fears and nodded. Niall sat up and pulled the shirt over his head as you gawked at his body.

"Wow..." You breathe and he leans forward connecting his lips with yours. Your hands subtly explore his exposed torso as he kisses down to your neck. His fingers lace to the zip of your dress before carefully pulling it down.

"Are we... g-going to have sex?" You breathed and Niall stopped before leaning back.

"If you're uncomfortable-

"No! No it's not that! I just haven't done... it. Before." Niall blushed as you held your dress up.

"Wanna know a secret?" He whispered and you nodded. "I'm a virgin as well." You both then sat there awkwardly.

"We'll do this together right?" You ask taking Niall's hand. Niall smiled and caressed it with his.

"Ok." He leant forward and kissed you as he tugged your dress down.

Together. You'll do it together.

~ NouisHoransons_child

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now