#13 = You can't sleep

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Your back had been killing you for a while now but you didn't dare say anything. The digital clock on the side table read 2:09 in the morning. You quietly groaned and scrunched your face up. You squirmed a little bit throughout the night as subtly as you could not to wake up Niall. But unfortunately... that somehow failed.

"Go to sleep (Y/N)." Niall growled and you let out a light whimper.

"I-I can't..." you whispered and put a hand between your bodies to your lower back where the pain hurt most.

"Why not? It's... bloody hell! 2 in the morning! Why the hell aren't you asleep yet?!" He hated it when people messed up his sleeping time and became unpleasant.

"D-don't yell... p-please..." you choked out and he quieted.

"Is something hurting you?" He asked and put a hand on your hip.

"J-just a bit." You groaned and arched your back which hurt more. "Shit!" You cursed and Niall propped up on his elbow.

"Tell me where." He demanded and grabbed his hand before pulling it into your lower back. "Here?" He asked and you nodded. He pointed his fingers and put light pressure on it making you hiss and arch your back. "I'm sorry (Y/N)." He quickly apologized as his other hand slowly led your stomach back to where it was before.

You whimpered in pain and he lightly began to rub at that spot. The spot slowly became numb and you closed your eyes before trying to relax. It didn't hurt as much as it did before.

"Niall..." You whispered and he kissed your temple.

"Go to sleep (Y/N). I'm right here." He reassured you and you shut your eyes. The pain slowly started to become numb and you found it easier to relax. Niall slowly slid behind you and spooned you again. He rested his face in your hair and his arm over you waist. His hand searched yours before intertwining them and sighed in content. You both slowly drifted off into a much needed sleep that you have been craving ever since you laid in bed.

~ NouisHoransons_child_

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