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-Liv's POV-

"Andy, what's up? Why do you look so sad?" I asked. We were at our favorite café, enjoying our final cups of tea – The last ones we'd be having before I left for New York. "You gonna miss me?" I teased.

He made an effort to smile, but the sadness was etched on his face – It looked like he hadn't slept in days. He'd been a bit off the entire day, lacking his usual energy and enthusiasm, but it was only now that I sat and studied him that I could see just how miserable he looked. He sat in silence, looking uncomfortable and opening his mouth as if he had something to say but couldn't quite get it out. He stood up abruptly.

"I'm sorry...I can't do this." He tossed an envelope onto my placemat, saying "Don't open it until you're in New York," and then he was gone.

I watched him walk by outside the window, head down, hands in his pockets, and I wanted to run after him, force him to tell me what was bothering him, but something kept me rooted to my seat. I looked down at the envelope – "Liv" was scrawled across it in his familiar handwriting. I itched to open it right then and there, peek inside – My mind already raced with the possibilities of what it could be, answers to questions that had been eating at me for weeks. But, I trusted him. If he wanted me to wait to open it, then I would.

I stood up as well, shaking off the last bits of unease that clung to me. Hopefully, he was just having a bad day. With him gone, I no longer saw a point in staying there. I left a stack of pounds under my teacup, a splash of tea still resting at the bottom of it. I walked out into the brisk fall air, savoring my last moments of England. Soon enough I would be in one of my very favorite places in the world, with one of my very favorite people in the world. There was no time to be wasted hanging out in a tea shop, anyways – there was packing that had to be done.

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