3. How You Meet

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You were one of the doctors that worked on Abel and you couldn't keep your eyes off him and he couldn't keep his eyes off you, despite the situation

You worked at an Irish pub in Lodi and when the guys went in there for a couple of beers, Chibs couldn't help but notice your own Irish accent and how your hips swung as you got the guys beer

You were an escort working for Nero and caught his attention while hustling some poor old man, when he caught you all he could do was stare you down and all you could do was smirk

Growing up with him in New York made both of you strong and independent. When you went to Charming to see him after 10 years of not seeing each other, it brought back old feelings

You were a crow eater and you were Tig's favorite. He never let you sleep with his brothers and got pissed when one of the guys would make a move on you and when he finally asked you out on a date you were beyond excited to go on it with him

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