42: Jax Imagine

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Noel was Jax and Tara's 15 year old daughter. She was exactly like Jax at that age. She didn't follow house rules just like Jax didn't follow Gemma's rules. She smoked and drank just like Jax did when he was the same age. So why was it such a big deal?

The club has been under so much heat lately that if Noel gets in trouble with that cops they could use that to their advantage. So today the whole club was having a intervention. Jax thought it wasn't going to work but Tara swear that it was going to work. 

"Jax it's going to work!" Tara would say when the idea was brought up. 

"I know my daughter Tara, it's not going to work. It didn't work for me and it's not going to work for her either." Jax would say back. 

But now everyone was at the clubhouse and Abel was tasked to get his little sister from school. She listened more to Abel then to her parents so it shouldn't be a problem getting her here. 

Hearing a car pull up, everyone got quiet. When the door opened and the two tall blondes walked in, everyone sat down. 

"Abel what the fuck is this?" Noel asked looking around. Her eyes landing on everyone before finding her parents in the crowd, her eyes stayed on them. Her face showed signs of annoyance but also mischief.  

"Just sit and listen sis." Abel said. He shut the club door and stood by it. Noel put to and to together and sighed. 

"Let's get this shit show started." Noel said as she walked deeper into the crowd of people. It was only the club members and her parents. Abel stood by the door until she was seated in a seat. 

"I think you're attitude needs to change. I didn't raise you like this and I don't like the path that you're going down." Tara said at her daughter. Noel sat down on the couch, her arms crossed and her face amused. 

"Kid, the clubs in shit and if you get caught by the police they could use that against us." Jax said. His daughters eyes rolled and she lead back against the couch. 

For hours did everyone talk about how her not following the rules and doing stuff illegal was bad. It was hard because everyone in that room was outlaws and they were trying to tell an outlaw that what shes doing is bad. 

"Can I say something?" Noel asked after the third hour passed. Most of the guys said their peace and now it was only Tara talking. It was more of a yelling and controlling banter that no one else was apart of. 

"What do you want to say Noel?" Tara asked. Tara was the only one sober and standing up. Hell even Noel had a couple of drinks. 

"Do you think that an intervention from a bunch of outlaws is really going to help? I'm not doing this because I want to get back at you or because I think you're bad parents. Mom you were always working and Dad you were on runs all the time. Of course I listen to Abel more than you because he was there. Of course Thomas is a better kid then me because the both of you were there when he was growing up." Noel said. It was silent. Abel looked down red faced because he knew it was true. Thomas wasn't there because he was at school getting his medical degree. 

"What does that have to do with you acting out?" Tara asked. 

"Nothing! I go to school then I come here because I can't hang out with friends because there is always a threat. Where's the threat guys? I never seem to be endanger when I'm out at night. I'm an adult and I can do what I want." 

"You're still a child Noel." Jax said. He felt guilty because with Abel and Thomas he was there when they were teens. But because Noel is ten years younger then Abel and eight years younger then Thomas it was easier to raise her. They had built in babysitters because her brothers would watch her. That's where they went wrong. Because Abel was old enough to care for her, both Jax and Tara worked more and did more for their lives. Noel was always just there. 

"Then stop treating me like an adult." Was all Noel said as she got up off the couch and walked out the clubhouse door. No one dared to say anything. Abel stood up quick and looked at his mom and dad. 

"Shes been working at the movies. That's why shes been coming in late. The other stuff is just because shes a teenager. I told both of you this wasn't going to work." Abel sighed and started walking out of the clubhouse. 

"Where you going?" Happy asks. Happy was the only one that knew that Noel was working. He's her godfather and she trusts him more then her parents. He didn't agree with everything that was said to the teen but for everyone's sake it needed to be said. Happy knew that she wasn't going to get in trouble with the cops but she needed to know what would happen if she did. 

"To go get my sister." Was all that Abel said as he walked out. 

"I told you this wasn't going to work Tara." Jax said getting up from his own chair to get a beer. 

"Oh shut up Jax." 

For @muhhkenzz hope you like it! 

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