46: Gemma and Clay's Daughter Imagine

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"I can't talk right now!" Daniella whispered yelled into her phone. It was one of her mothers Sunday night dinners with the whole club. Dani hated the dinners but they made her mother happy and when Gemma is happy, everyone is happy. 

"Alright, just call me back." Esai Alvarez said back and hung up the phone. Dani knew what she was doing was wrong but it's what her heart wanted. The Mayans knew about the relationship and they were fine with it, as long as Dani doesn't go and tell the club their business. But so far she kept her mouth shut. She refuses to talk about the Sons with the Mayans and they're ok with that. 

Walking down stairs did she stop when she heard her father talking. Dani loves her father but he was unbearable along with her mother. Hanging around the Mayans she found a nicer life. No one cheats on their old lady's and the ones who are single, get the prostitutes. The prostitutes get when a man is taken and don't rub up on the men that are taken. Daniella likes that life better than life with the Sons. 

"What is she doing up there on her phone all day?" Dani's father questioned. Clay was talking to Jax, her brother, about her. Dani and Jax have a very strange relationship. They're close but they aren't at the same time. Jax had is own life and Dani had hers and both of them got that. Jax was still the over protective brother and Dani was still the annoying little sister. 

"I don't know Clay. Maybe being a kid? She's still a child." Jax answered. Dani rolled her eyes because shes 19 and they all still treat her like a 6 year old girl. It always bothered her how Jax was treated completely different from her when he was her age. 

Walking down the rest of the stairs and to her respected seat, Dani sighed. She sat down and waited for everyone else. Jax sat down next to her and Happy the other side. During dinner she was silent unless she was brought into the conversation. She didn't want to be at this stupid dinner with her fathers stupid brothers, she wanted to be with the Alvarez family, hanging out. 

When the dinner was over she helped her mom clean up. She made small talk and listened while her mother gossiped about the guys and people in town. Dani never realized how much shit she talked until she was around the Alvarez's.  


"I don't mind you being around but anything you hear or say don't repeat. And if it does," Marcus Alvarez took a pause, "something bad might happen. Esai is a very good man and your a nice young woman, don't miss that up Daniella." 

"I won't Mr. Alvarez. But I'm not going to answer any questions about the Sons that you have. They're still my family and I won't talk about club business." Daniella was in the Alvarez's house having dinner with Esai and his family, which consisted of his two little sister. Marcus grabbed his pregnant wife, which was the same age as Esai, and told her to set down along with everyone else. 

Esai grabbed Dani's hand and sat her down in a middle seat of the table. He sat down to her left and his littlest sister who was 5. "You have pretty eyes." Maya, the littlest said to Danielle. Dani had Clay's eyes and her dark hair, much like Gemma's without the highlights, made her eyes pop out. 

"Thank you! I wished I had you nail polish color it's so pretty." Dani watched as Maya's eyes lit up with happiness. Marcus and everyone else witnessed the immediate connection the two girls had. Marcus expressed his concern to his son about Dani coming around but she fit rights in. Marcus took a seat of the head of the and his wife next to him. 

At first Marcus asked the kids about their day. All of them answered and Maya went on and on about how this girl is messing with her. It was funny to everyone because it was over something stupid, like not sharing a crayon or having a ham sandwich instead of turkey. 

"Danielle, how did you two meet?" Rosa asked. Rosa was Esai's 16 year old sister. So far she's only been hostile towards Dani when Dani did nothing. 

Dani smiled a little and went on to tell the story. "I work at a nail Salon and my boss is dating on of the members so when he came in, me and Esai started talking. It didn't bother me that he was apart of a club I'm supposed to hate. Esai knew who I was and I knew who he was. We exchanged numbers and went from there." 

"So it doesn't bother you that my father wants to kill your father and take over the Sons empire and vice versa?" Rosa asked again. Dani frowned her eyebrows but answered. 

"No not really. My father's done shit and so has yours. Both of them have a right to hate each other. But no it doesn't bother me." 

"What was it like growing up around Sons?" Marcus asked after he was done speaking Spanish to his daughter. If Dani had to guess it was about the question that she just asked. 

"Um... I guess fun. When I was little my brother use to put me on his bike and do wheelies. I was the only girl so at a young age I learned how to fight, which got me in trouble with other kids. I had a normal childhood but with some lock downs and a lot of prostitutes." 

"What's the rule in the Sons? Like with old lady's and stuff?" Marcus's wife asks Dani. 

"There's this one rule were what happens on a run stays on the run. So if my dad cheated on my mom when he was on a run, she couldn't get mad because what happens on a run stays on a run." Dani took a sip of her drink and continued. "When you become a official old lady you have to get a crow tattooed on yourself with your old man's name on it. Every time a club member gets married they have to help plan and stuff like that, and if you don't, the President's wife of what ever charter says something. If a club member needs something an old lady has to get it them. Someone needs help, you help. Club member cheats on you, the other old lady's say it's your fault." 

"That's so different from us. Old lady's in the Mayans only have to take care of their own. Of course we'll help a members family but we're not forced to. Plus our men are loyal." Marcus's wife talked more about what being married to a Mayan was like and Dani was listening. Making a check list of all the differences were compared to the Sons. 

End Of Flashback 

"You ok baby?" Gemma questioned her daughter. Dani looked at her and nodded her head. 

"I'm just tired. The nail salon is driving me crazy." 

"Go up stairs and lay down." 

"Alright mom. Love you." 

"Love you too baby." 

Walking upstairs and into her bedroom Dani thought about dinner. She realized that's not her. She doesn't belong in the Sons family because she changed. Esai and the Mayans changed her from a brainwashed daughter that thought they were bad, to a woman that realized there is two sides to every story. 

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