79: First Fight And What They Do After

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Gets extra sad and starts crying about it. He is a very emotional man so he finds comfort in crying a little. But after that he goes back to his normal self and finds you and makes you fall in love with him all over again.

Calls you as soon as he has time to think about what happens. He hates that he made you upset and hates that you felt heart broken after the fight.

Doesn't try to get you back or anything. He thinks he's right all the time so you were the one that had to "man up" and call him. But as soon as you did he apologized in his own way.

Follows you when you walk out. Doesn't let you leave until you work everything out. By the time you are done fighting you're both asleep on each other.

Goes gets drunk and cheats. It's Tig so what do you expect. He doesn't know how to cope with things and going balls deep into a crow eater made him realize that he shouldn't be fucking her and that it should be you.

He lets you cool off before finding you and talking to you. Don't get me wrong, he's as mad as you are but he gets where you were coming from and feels horrible for making you upset.

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