92: Why He Loves You

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He loves you because you make him a better person. One look at you and he remembers that he can't always be so reckless and stupid. He wants to do better for you. 


You were the first woman to show him your scar as soon as you noticed his. He was always self conscious about it but because of you, he can care less about what he looks like. Because you taught him that everyone has scars and his are just in an unfortunate place. 

You're as corky and weird as he is. You don't judge him for getting a smiley face tattoo every time he kills someone. You don't judge him when he wants to go out for a midnight bike ride to the middle of the woods. 


Instead of calling him dumbass or stupid, you call him goofy. You're the first person that ever called him goofy instead of dumbass. The first person that laughed at his cheesy pick up lines and the first person that he can be his true self in front of without feeling judge. 

You're kinky and exactly like him. You showed him that it's ok to be as weird and as corky as you want. He loves you because you never judged him on his kinks and corks and just loved him even more for it. 

Opie has a lot of demons and Donna's death was a big one. But you showed him that he could love again and love harder than before. You showed him that he was capable for love even though sometimes he felt like he didn't deserve it. 


Only 8 more chapter tells I end the book!!!! Taking final requests now!!!

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