57: When He Get's Sick

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Jax would only want you to make him soup. He wouldn't make a big deal out of it because he has more important things to do. He'll occasional take medicine and drink hot tea with honey but that's only when the sickness is bad.

You'll make him tea and nurse him back to health, which he hates. He thinks that if he stops drinking Brandy for a week the sickness would go away, but you know that it's just an accuse so he wouldn't have to take the medicine.

He'll take medicine and that's it. It's a struggle to even get him to take medicine. He won't even drink hot tea and denies everything you try to give him.

Is the biggest baby ever. He makes you get him everything. He'll only take bubble gum flavored cough syrup and only eats homemade turkey noddle soup, not even chicken noddle soup. You like to joke and say that he's dying but that only makes him worse and more paranoid.

He lays in bed all day and does nothing. He'll call out of work at TM but he'll still do shit for the club. He would pig out and eat anything he wants, that makes him more sick. You'll try and make him eat healthy natural things that will make him feel better but he won't eat them.

He'll fight through it and not take anything. He won't kiss you or the kids because he wouldn't want you or them to get sick. He won't share drinks or food with anyone. And he'll make sure that his always covering his mouth when he coughs.

I wanted to say thank you for 10k!!!! It means the world to me that people are actually reading my writing. I would love to continue this book for as long as possible but that's hard when I have nothing to write about. I have a couple more preference ideas but I have no imagines. After I'm done the preferences that I already have written and that I'm going to write, I'm out of ideas. So please comment or PM me with your imagines and/or preferences ideas! I'll literally write anything and I'm desperate lol. Make sure you go and read my Happy/OC fic called His Little Sister!
Thank you again for 10k reads!

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