78: Double Date

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When you guys are on a double date, he is his normal self. He talks to the other couple and makes jokes. He is basically the same person that he is all the time. But if the couple starts bragging, he brags 1000% more.

Him and the other guy have a drinking contest to see who can drink more. Chibs wins every time. It was elementally a great time for the both of you and you guys would do it again.

Hates it and barley talks. Even if the date is with one of his brothers and their old lady, he still hates it. He ends up just getting drunk and becoming a silent hater towards you and the other couple.

Loves them and brings life to them. Low key tries to one up the other couple. High key fails at one uping the other couple.

Refuses to go on them even when it's with one of his brothers. The only way that you can get him to go on one is if you promise lots of sex.

Will only go to a bar or someplace with a lot of people because he feels uncomfortable anywhere else. Plus only likes going with his brothers.

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