80: How They Act At A BBQ

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Is playing around with the kids throwing water balloons and shooting people with water guns.

Is drinking a beer watching Happy mess up grilling. Laughing whenever Happy growls at the meat. Laughs even harder when Opie takes over. Is drunk by 3 PM.

Growling at the meat because he doesn't know how to grill hamburgers and hot dogs right.

Is messing around with Jax throwing water balloons and shooting people with water guns. Gets yelled at by all the adults.

Is to busy watching all the adult women in the pool to care about Juice and Jax pegging him with water balloons.

Taking over for Happy after he burned 8 burgers. Laughs when Happy gets pegged with a water balloon by Juice and Happy chases him around threatening to beat his ass. Is called the grill master by drunk Chibs

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