96: When He Realized That You Were The One

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When you met Able and the guys and they all loved you. It was like you were apart of the family for years. Jax saw you with Able and realized that you were the one.

When he could open up to you about his life with Jimmy O. When you just listened and stayed after he told you he knew that you were the one.

When he brought you to his moms house. No girl had ever been over there and you were the first one. His mother loved you and Happy knew that you were the one.

He told you what happened in New York and why he left. He told you that he has problems that he wasn't trying to get rid of and he told you that if you wanted out, that you could leave. But you didn't, you stayed. In that moment he knew that you were the one.

When you came to him when you had a problem. It sounds stupid but Tig never had a women come to him when they needed something fixed in their house or car. So when you asked him to come over and fix a hole in the wall (that Tig made) he knew that you were the one.

After Donna's death Opie had no idea how to parent his kids. He always had Donna and then he went to prison. So he asked Gemma for help. Gemma gave him your number and he called, asking you how you raise your kids all alone. After months of talking and helping each other, Opie asked you out. Both of you brought your kids and when you started talking to his like they were yours, he knew you were the one.

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