76: Imagine

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You watched as a whole motorcycle gang walked in. All of them tall and packing guns. Well, you guessed the guns.

"We're not open tell 5 today." You say as they look around. It was only you working and no one else was there. You watched as the leader walked up to you.

"Where's the owner?" He questioned.

"I am. You guys can come back in three hours. We're not open yet."

"We only want to borrow the bar." The leader said.

You raised your eyebrow and grabbed a rag and started cleaning the counter where the alcohol is kept. "What? Why should I let you borrow my bar?"

"Because we need it. We're trying to talk to someone and they are refusing. We can see perfectly into their business from here." The leader said. "I'm Jax by the way."

"Y/N. So you want to get the nazi's?" You asked.

"Yeah. You don't like them do you?" Jax asked.

"Nah. My daughters black and they just give her nasty looks all the time." You answered. You looked out the window and saw the guy Winston talking to Darby.

"So can we borrow your bar?" Jax asked.

"Fine but I need 900 dollars so I don't lose any money." You answered.

Jax looked at you surprised and called out to one of his friends. "Tig give her the money. We brought 15 hundred. You can have all of it." Jax answered.

Your eyes went wide when the guy Tig gave you the money. You took it and stuck it in your back pocket. "Um, drink whatever you want and these chicken nuggets in the freezer you can have. Here," You handed Jax the key to the bar, "just lock up when you leave."

"Thanks Y/N, the club owes you."

"Don't worry about it." You say. You finished cleaning and left.

The next day you came back and found nothing out of place and all the empty beer bottles organized and on the counter in a small circle. You grabbed the bottles and noticed a note.

Thank you for letting us borrow your bar. The club really does owe you. There's an extra 500 in the register for you and your daughter. The Nazi's are going to stop with the looks too. We didn't know where the recycle was so we left it on the couturier
Thank you again,

That was the beginning of a life long relationship with you and the Sons.

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