33: When He Goes On A Run

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"Babe it'll only be a week." Jax says as you stood in front of his bike, his two hands placed on your growing belly.

"I don't care that it's only a week, I'm 36 weeks pregnant Jackson! I could go into labor anytime." You sass back. In truth, you were upset that he was leaving so close to your due date. You didn't care about the sweet butts because you knew that Jax won't cheat in you.

"Darlin' everything is going to be fine. It'll fly by." Jax tried to reinsure you but it wasn't working.

"Whatever Jax," you suck in a breath and kiss his lips, "I love you."

"I love you too Y/N." With that he was off with his brothers. That night you took care of Abel and went to bed with the toddler in Jaxs spot. Silently rubbing your belly as you listened to Abel's soft snores.

"Why do you have to go?" You ask as Chibs packed up his bag for the week long trip. He gave you a small smirk as you laid in bed, naked.

"Because I have to Lass. It's my job and Clay would bitch if I don't go." Chibs answered as he continued to stuff the bag with clothes. He went into the nightstand and pulled out a picture of you two. He always carried a picture of you with him whenever he went on a run.

"I'm going to miss you!" You whined as he walked over to you. He lent down to kiss you and that he did.

"Just go to work and stay out of trouble. Don't need Gemma calling me again."

"That wasn't my fault Filip and you know that." You sass back as he continued to kiss you. You smiled as he chuckled at you but frowned when he stopped kissing you.

"I know it wasn't lass but still don't do anything. I got to get going. I love you."

"I love you too." You watched as your old man walked out of the bedroom door. You listened as he started his bike and went on his way to the clubhouse. Were you worried about him cheating? A little. But you were exhausted and decided to go to bed. You hoped that he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"I'm gonna be gone for a while." Happy stated as the two of you laid in bed after a night of adult activities.

"For how long?" You questioned. You guys are only sleeping around so it really didn't matter to you. Or maybe it did because you got that feeling in your belly when he goes on a run.

"A week." He rubbed small circles on your side as you did the same to his tattooed covered chest.

"Ok." You say. You knew what he was going to do on the run and you hated it. It's not like you guys were dating but you aren't, aren't dating.

"You fine with me going?" He questioned. You looked at him for the first time since he started talking. His dimples showed when he laid down on his back. You smiled softly and nodded you head yes. "You don't got to lie to me Y/N."

"It's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything so I don't have a say do I?" You ask. He didn't answer but continued to draw on you. You soon feel asleep and when you woke up he was gone. You shook your head and went to the kitchen. On the counter was a note.

I know you hate what we're doing and I know you want more. I'll try not to do anything. See ya in a week doll.

You smiled as you read it. Feeling slightly better.

"It was last minute, this shit run. I promise that I'll only be a week and I'll call everyday. I love you." You listened to the voice mail from Juice. You rolled you eyes at his choice of words. You loved that goofball to much to be mad.

You knew that he would never do anything because that's just who he is. You sent him a quick text saying that you love him too.

"A whole fucking week Tig! How the hell did that happen!" You yelled. Tig rolled his eyes at you.

"How bout I actually have a job and have shit to do Y/N!" He yelled right back. You threw a pillow at him and went outside to the porch to smoke a cigarette.

"Why don't you go fuck some more bitches Alex!" You yelled as you sat down. You smoked cancer stick after cancer stick.

"I'm leaving." Tig said from behind you. You looked up at him and nodded you head. You continued smoking. He sighed and sat down next to you.

"I love you Y/N."

"I know Alex." You sighed and leaned you head on him. He wrapped you up in his arms and stared into the backyard. "I love you too."

"Good." He said. You rolled you eyes at him but stayed in the same spot. "You have to trust me doll."

"It's a little hard when your bitches come after you." You sass back. You wiggled your way out of his hold and lit up another cigarette.

"I know baby." He grabbed you face and kissed you. You kissing back immediately. "You just have to trust me."

"Kids be good for Y/N." You smiled as Opie talked to his kids. It's been a hard ride but you guys have been going good for a couple of months. When he said that he had to go on a run for a week you offered to watch his kids.

"Ok dad." They both said. The kids ran outside to play. Opie pulled you into him, slightly swaying the two of you back and forth.

"You going to be ok with them?" Opie questioned. You smiled at him.

"Of course Op. They're the sweetest and old enough to where I'm not going to have grey hair after a week."

"Thank you."

"Anytime baby." You say back. You hugged him a little and he laid his head on top of yours. "It's only a week." You say looking up at him.

"It's only a week."

For @lzzieSabisch
Hope this is what you wanted! If not I'll do something different!

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