44: Juice Imagine

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Juice just got his Prospect patch and was working at the garage. No one in Charming knew his past besides the club and he was glad. He didn't want people to be weary of him. 

It's not like he did anything bad either. All he did was hack somethings that he wasn't supposed to be hacking. Plus, New York held bag memory's of his family and her. Jax told him that he has a family with them. Weather Juice believes that its true, he doesn't know yet. 

He was sweeping up the garage. Something that he couldn't mess up with his stupidity. When he saw a familiar looking car. It was a little white Sedan with one red door. The passenger side mirror was green and the paint was chipping off it. When it pulled into the shop, he heard exhaust pipe hit the pavement. 

"That can't be good." Juice heard Jax say as the car stopped about 30 feet away from the garage. When the driver turned of the car the engine made a funny noise. Juice saw the driver grab a bag and opened the car door to get out. And at once he realized it was her. 

"Hey Darlin'" Jax said in his usual manner. The young woman got out of the car and slammed the door shut. She smiled at Jax. "What can I do for you?" 

"Oh um just an oil change." The woman said. Jax looked at his brothers then at Juice who had a unpleasant look on his face then to the woman. 

"I think your car has something a little more wrong with it then that." 

"Oh it's fine." She tried to reassure Jax but her own New York accent couldn't hide that lie. For the first time did she look around. She saw a bunch of guys just hanging around in leather vests. Then she looked at the garage. Her smile following when her eyes landing on a certain someone. 

"What are you doing here?" Both the woman and Juice said at the same time. Her New York accent a lot heavier then Juices. All the club members stood back watching. Juice being new and all anything could ruin his chance of getting a kutte. Most people didn't get why Jax liked Juice so much. But even Jax was worried. No one wanted a bitchy woman around. 

"I work here." Juice said after a moment of silence. 

"I don't want you touching Paulie." Was all the woman said. She turned to Jax and told him to fix everything he can with a 500 dollar budget. The woman sat down at the picnic table and pulled out a book to read. 

Ever so often Juice would catch himself staring at her when he cleaned up. He knew that she moved to California but the thought of running into her never crossed his mind. He didn't know where she was or who she was with. But now shes here. He left New York because ever street he walked on reminded him of her. Every bar or restaurant or police officer reminded him of her. 

So he left. He moved a crossed the country to the same state as her because he hoped that he would pass her on the street and not feel heart broken. Juice hoped that when they passed each other she wouldn't even remember what he looked like. But now shes here, reading a book that he knew she read 10 times but no one else knew that. She still wore the bracelet he got her for her birthday 3 years ago. She still wore the same earrings and she still sounded the same. But she wasn't the same. She's tanner and heavier. Both of them making her look a lot better then she did before. Her hair is longer and her nails are shorter. Juice though, he was the same. 

He was still in love with a woman that left because they lost a baby. He was still in love with a woman that loved Valium a little to much. Juice was still in love with a woman who left him because every time she saw him, she broke down crying. But no one from the club knew this. No one besides him and her. 

It took hours for Jax to fix the woman's car. But she sat there in the heat reading a book the whole time. Jax saw the way the Juice looked at the girl and the way the girl just ignored Juice like it was nothing. 

"Juice, just go talk to her." Jax said after the 15th time Juice swept the same area. Juice looked up and shock his head no. "Who is she?" Jax questioned. The other guys wanted to ask the same question but kept quiet. Hell Gemma even was quiet. 

"Someone from New York." Juice muttered sweeping over the same area.

"Juicy boy, just go and talk to the lass. If she slaps ya, it'll be funny. If ya kiss, it would still be funny." Chibs said laughing. All the guys encouraged him to do. Soon enough, Juice found himself walking towards her. All the Sons could see what was happening but couldn't hear. 

"Y/N, can we talk?" Juice questioned. The girl looked up. Her eyelashes long and her bright eyes wondering over his face. 

"Go ahead." Was all she said.  

"I didn't come here for you. I came here because I needed to get away. After awhile everything reminded me of you and I needed to leave. Now, you're here." Juice said. The woman looked up from her book, tears threatening to spill. 

"You have no idea what it was like for me to leave Juan. I had nothing here and now I'm making something for me. When I left all I thought about was you and everyday I thought about you. I lived here since I left and I'm not going." 

"I'm not leaving either." Juice stated. He couldn't help but smile lazily at her. 

"Don't do that." 

"Do what Y/N?" 

"Make that dopey face." She said, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Juan Carlos Ortiz, stop that!" She said a little louder. This time shes laughing as Juice made funny faces at her. It felt good that Juice could make her laugh. It felt great to Juice that she still had the same laugh. 

His smiling still on his face, he asked something suddenly, "Hey remember how I asked you out on our first date?" 

"Yeah, you were 17 and I was 15. You came to my door soaking wet from only god knows what and asked my drug lord of a father if you could come in because you needed to ask me if I wanted to go get a slice of pizza with you." The woman smiled at Juice as she said this. 

"What happened next?" Juice questioned. Somehow he was leaning forward and so was the woman. 

"My father punched you in the face and I ran out of my room in only a bra and sweat pants. I walked out the house and grabbed your hand and ran down the street. My father yelling at me the whole time. And when we walked into the pizza shop they wouldn't let us in because you were wet and I was shirt less. They called the cops on us and that was the first time we got arrested together. And at the police station you kissed me through the bras of the cells." When she finished she looked up at Juice. Her eyes dancing with excitement. 

In one motion Juice got up and pulled her with him. He ran to the hose that was inside of the garage and turned it on himself. 

"Juan what are you doing?" The woman asked. Soon it clicked for her. She took off her shirt and tossed it to the side. Jax and everyone was to busy laughing or confused or both, to really care about the mess Juice made with the water. 

After a minute Juice turned the water off and grabbed the woman's hand. "Y/N, lets go get a slice of pizza and get arrested like we did ten years ago." 

"Ok Juan." She said looking up at Juice. She smiled at him and he smiled back. 

"It's Juice Y/N." Juice said as the walked off the lot. Juice not bothering to say that he was leaving. He didn't care if he got kicked out of the club all he cared about was her. 

"That's fucking stupid." She replied. Still smiling up at Juice. 

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